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Your P.O.V:
Carla looked glum. I followed her around Magnolia to get a few more questions but no such luck. "Why do you follow me, Y/n?" She asked every 5 minutes. "Because I want to cheer you up!" I say brightly. "Anima!" A man wearing a balaclava and hat ran up to us and kneeled before me and Carla. "Are you the one known as Y/n?" I nodded happily. "Then get the one known as Wendy Marvell and leave Magnolia! Quickly!" He said, sounding desperate and alarmed.

"Why?" I asked a bit more alert now, noticing Carla's eyes widen. "They're portals!" He said hurrying. "They suck people into it so they can have magic power." He handed me a tiny red, cherry like sphere. I looked and Carla then at Eclipse who looked like she was hiding something. "What?" The ground began to rumble, a full blown storm began tearing up the Fairy Tail guild bit by bit, right before my eyes.

"Where am I?" I said, holding my head groggily. It was dark and sandy. I pushed up above me and poked my head out of the sand. "Y/n!" Wendy ran over to me crying. I pulled myself out of the sand and engulfed her in a long hug. Natsu poked out the sand too.

"Y/n!" I heard Eclipse from behind me, I hugged her head and ruffled her fur. She still looked guilty. "Eclipse what's wrong?" I asked looking into her hazel eyes. Carla butted in. "We are inside the Hanima." She said staring at Happy. Eclipse nodded. "How do you know Carla?" Wendy asked. "I've been here before child." Carla said. "We all have! Me, Eclipse and Happy." I looked at Eclipse. "Aye?" Happy said looking confused. "We were sent to Earth on a mission." Carla put in blankly. "I'm sorry Y-y/n!" Eclipse cried. Her wolf form slowly melted away, revealing a cat like Carla and Happy.

She was a light grey, a wolf fur hoodie going down to her knees on. "Eclipse!" I ran over to her and hugged her again. "I don't care what you look like!" She smiled brightly, removing the tears from her eyes. "We need to save our friends!" Natsu shouted angrily. I then noticed him and Carla were arguing. "Fine!" Carla said after a few minutes. There's the portal. I looked at the sphere in my hand...

Eclipse clung tightly to my red top as we flew, her wings had a hint of yellow magic on them. The portals lights gleamed so brightly it burnt through my eye lids. As soon as we got through the portal, Carla, Happy and Eclipse's wings vanished. We went crashing to the ground landing on a pile of toadstools. "Ow!" Wendy whined. Natsu stood up, looking around."Friends, friends, friends." I hear him mutter as he was looking. All we saw was a large wooden sign saying. "Welcome to Edolas, population 5 million. We are happy to have you!" I stared at the sign shocked, how are we going to find our friends amongst 5 million people?

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