Teach me

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Your P.O.V:
I wake up on the hard wooden floor, remembering yesterday. My promise to Melody and our little talk. I yawn, slowly getting up and trudging downstairs to make breakfast. I look through the fridge, eventually selecting bacon. I smile as the smell of bacon entered me nose. I put out bread and Eclipse, who was woken up by the sizzling of one of her favourite breakfasts, buttered the bread.

I call for Melody and wait for her to come down. After awhile I decide I'll have to wake her up with force. I sneak upstairs, as light footed as I can. I see a silent, peaceful Melody in bed, her purple hair attempting to portray the sun's rays.

I slowly walk up to her, a few floor boards creaking under foot, and then with a swift arm, I yank of the duvet. She moans in anger and tries to find the duvet, she admits defeat and I give her a piggy back downstairs. Whilst eating I think of a really good idea.

"Hey *munch munch* Melody! How would you like it if I taught you some of my magics basics?" She slowly looks up, stars in her eyes. "Can you? Will you?" She asks excitedly. I nod and with that she runs upstairs to put on some new clothes to train in. I leave the house and go to get Chloe. I wanted to see how she's doing. She only joined the guild yesterday. When I arrive at her house, a note is taped to the door.

Hi Y/n!
I knew you'd check up on me! Everything is good and I've left on a job with Lisanna and Mira! Elfman didn't wanna go. See you soon!

Chloe :))

I look at the note and nod subconsciously and go back home to find a well prepped Melody and Eclipse. "Ok!" I smile. "Let's go to the forest! I think that's a perfect place to start." Melody nods enthusiastically and runs off.

~time skip to forest~

When I arrive, Melody is eagerly practicing her karate. She knows a bit, I can thank Erza for that. "Ok Melody! I'm not going to hold back so I want to tone up your Karate so at least then you can fight." She looks unsure but nods. We walk to a small plain, standing 10m away from each other. "Ready?" I ask. She brings up her guard and nods.

I run towards her and go for a round house kick to the head. She blocks it with an inside to outside block and punches me square in the gut, it would've hurt, if she had the arm strength. I front snap kick her in the abdomen and she goes skidding back, bringing up bits of mud as she did so. She then does a windmill kick to the head. I dodge and punch her in the nose.

~fighting till 11pm~

I had a bust nose and lip. Melody had a bleeding nose and a few scratches. I fly her home, and like every time, she sticks her arms out to pretend she's flying. "Wanna do that again, tomorrow?" She asks. I look down at her, and nod. "With those moves you did today Melody, and a few more honed moves and muscle strength, I reckon you could take down anyone. And then think what you can do with magic!" I tell her, dodging a crow heading my way.

~ time skip 8 months, yes 8 months don't judge~

"Ok, ok! You win!" I say. I'm pinned down to the ground with Melody on top of me. She laughs happily and gets up. "I'm glad I know karate now!" She says. "I'm even better than you now Y/n!" I laugh at her cockiness and pick up our training gear. Training had gone well, Melody has only been able to unlock the White Angel transformation, but it looks nothing like mine, it's more like a fairy. So we named it the White Fairy Transformation.

She's doing so well now, she even gives Wendy a run for her money! Considering she only learnt her stuff 8 months ago, I'm very proud of her. We head back to the guild, where Gramps is discussing S-class trials.

A/n~ Hi! I forgot to mention, you're already considered an S-class Mage like Mira, you didn't have to do the test! Lucky you! Baii <3

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