Shout outs

5.3K 71 2

An~ Hii! So I was tagged by Lily227573 to do the 13 questions thing, but me being the 'stay safe' person I am decided not to do it. I'm sorry Lily227573 . So Anyways here:

1. I am publishing Angel slayer every Monday, Thursday and Saturday.

2. New Celestial Spirit is now open for any character requests! (Please don't ask me to add your character to the key. There are already 3 now 😅)

3. Natsu's twin sister by CharlieIsNotAGirl  is gonna be on hold till Charlie decides to write a full chapter!

4. Shout outs to:
. Lily227573
. darkhorse4252
. cachiss6 for voting : )
. black_arachnid
. fairy1tail

Once again, thank you for 7k and I will publish a new chapter soon!!

Baii <3

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