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Hiii :)) Make sure to go check out Lily227573 she is amazing and a great author! Thank you byee <3

Your P.O.V:
Lucy took out the guards that grabbed her with ease, I think they were too shocked by her magic to do anything. I ran up to her and gave her a big hug. "Y/n!" She squealed. "How'd you get here?" She asked, breaking our hug apart. "Long story..." I say, but Natsu pushes past me to give Lucy a hug. I smirk at him, it's so obvious. "Who's this?" Edolas Lucy asks. I turn around and see her dumbfounded behind me.

"Um Lucy Ashley, this is you from Earth, Lucy Heartfilia." Lucy just looks shocked. "Wait, wait, wait... This is me!?" They both shout in unison. I nod. "Hate to break up this gathering." Carla interrupts, "but can we go somewhere a bit more private?" Edolas Lucy nods. "I know a place." She says and we follow her.

Edolas Lucy P.O.V:
Other me is definitely different. She talks WAY to much! At one point I was gonna turn round and snap at her then I remembered Y/n. She will kick the crap out of me if I do anything to hurt her earth land family. I don't really wanna get on her bad side. We eventually get to the hotel I had been talking about and I went to book a room with Y/n.

"Hi....hello?" I ask at the desk, but the man completely ignores me. I look at Y/n expecting her to yell at him or even show her angel form, but she just casually tings the bell on the desk. "Hey! I would like to rent a room please!" She shouts and he man turns around smiling. "Hello Little Lady!" He greets. "One room or two?" He asks politely. I stare at Y/n, at a complete loss for words.

"Have you got a connecting room?" She asks,smiling. "Why yes we have! That'll be 8,000 j please. But tell ya what! I'll knock it down to 2,000 j just for you!" She smiles sweetly and places the money on the counter. "Thank you and come again!" He shouts after her. I look at her suspiciously. "Where'd ya get the money from. She looks across at me and smiles. "My boots, I only have 3,000 j left there now though!" She says like it's obvious. I look at her but shake it off and head upstairs to our room. Y/n and Wendy immediately collapse on the beds.

Both of them falling asleep immediately. Other me points at the couch saying Natsu is going to sleep there. I think I'll leave early tomorrow, I've done as much as I can do.

Your P.O.V:
I hear Edolas Lucy leave, so I decide to follow her. After about five minutes I lose her into the darkness, then realising I'm completely lost, and it's 5am in the morning. I run down the road I think I came from when I bump into someone. They immediately pick me up by my shoulders and place me back on my feet.

"Careful." He mutters. I recognise his voice. "Gajeel? Is that you?" I ask looking at his back, as he was about to walk off. "Y/n?" He runs back up to me and gives me a hug. Gajeel and I have been pretty close since I came back, but still I wasn't expecting it.

"Y/n! You Gotta help me destroy that Lacrima in town Center! It holds our guild in and everything!" I brake away our hug and nod at him and we take off towards town Center. "Y/n!?" I hear a voice behind me. I stop dead. "Eclipse..." I turn round and see her behind to me. "You left without me!" She says, clearly hurt. "I'm sorry Eclipse! I just didn't wanna wake you up." She nods at me and jumps into my arms. I carry on running with her in my arms.

It's around 9am when we get to main square, as it was in the next town along. "So Gajeel!" I mutter, out of breath. "How we gonna do this without being caught?" I ask. He smirks at me like I was stupid. "I have a friend, let's just say, we know what we're doing." I wait. And eventually fireworks go off spelling 'NORTH' and they fade away. "Guards!" Gajeel calls to the guards guarding the Lacrima. "Someone is planning an attack from the North!" The guards nod and all head there.

"Gajeel lets go!" I yell and I transform into my White Angel. "Heavens Swords!" I shout, two giant swords appearing next to me. They cut the Lacrima in half. "Steel club!" Gajeel shouts. Hitting away the small bits of ice. There's a light glow and two people are stood there. I transform back.

Figures rise from the remnants of the debris, slowly at first, but its was only a duo in there. One was male, the other female. Long red hair, stern yet warm brown eyes...

"Erza!" I shout running into her arms, it takes her a while and then she finally hugs me back. "Y/n!" She says graciously. I turn and hug the person next to her, Gray. "Where are we Y/n?" He asks whilst hugging me back.

"Edolas. Our other dimension." He doesn't reply. "Eat these, don't ask questions just eat them." Gajeel says, giving them the red orbs that give you power. They eat it without question, just like he had asked.

"We need to save our friends, they're trapped inside a GIANT Lacrima and will be killed if we don't." I say worriedly. They nod in understanding, they always do when it comes to protecting family . It's great to have friends like these, they ask no questions and just get on with it.

"Hey Y/n! Who's the cat in your arms?" Gray asks. I sweat drop, taking back what I previously had thought about these friends being 'great.' "Well howdy to you too Gray." Eclipse giggle and the ice mage looked like he was about to faint.

"N-no! No. You were so cool before hand! What happened to you?!"

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