Merged Angels

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Your P.O.V:
I could feel my magic power surging through my veins. Screaming at me to go for it and make Laxus pay for hurting Eclipse. My wings twitched eager to begin. Laxus looked astonished. "Your magic power has increased Y/n, but you won't defeat me. Laxus was at close range so an Angel Screech would be quite affective. "Black Angel Screech!" I screamed.

It hit Laxus directly in the face and he was blasted back and smashed into a pillar. He was struggling on the ground, trying to stand back up. I went over to him and placed my foot in his throat. "There is always someone better than you. You've just got to learn to see that and then you'll improve." I removed my foot and backed away (always keeping an eye on him) I went over to Natsu and Gajeel. "Y/n... you did it. You went and defeated Laxus. I'm happy for... y-you." Natsu whispered. I turned to Gajeel and he half nodded."Salamander is right Angel Slayer. You've completed your mission."

~time skip to guild hall~

"Three cheers for Y/n! Who single handly ended the Battle of Fairy Tail!" Everyone shouted their cheers and drank. I smiled graciously and snook away to the infirmary to check on Eclipse.

Natsu's P.O.V:
I heard the door to the infirmary creek open so I pretended to be asleep. Y/n slowly snook in and carefully shut the door behind her. I smiled, she came to check on Eclipse of course. She snook across the room so carefully I didn't hear her walk and she want to sit by Eclipse.

"You did amazing today Eclipse. I so proud of you." She whispered to the wolf. I heard Gajeel move and he turned to me. "Who's talking?" He asked me whispering. I put my fingers to my lips. "Ssh it's only y/n." I heard her leave then I fell asleep. Y/n is definitely living up to her magic. She is as kind as an angel.

Fairy Tail's Angel slayer Where stories live. Discover now