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Your POV:
"I did it!" I laugh, fist bumping Gajeel. I look at Natsu and smirk, he looks at me in mock of anger. "Next up, Lucy of Fairy Tail A vs Flare of Raven Tail. "

I look at Lucy as she makes her way to the arena. "Kick her ass Lucy!" I shout, covering my mouth afterwards. A woman scowls at me, her hands over her son's ears. 'Sorry.' I mouth. She nods in approval, removing her hands from his ears. The gong sounds.

"Open! Gate of the Golden Bull!" Lucy shouts, the other girl not making an effort to move. "Open! Gate of the Scorpion! Scorpio!" Lucy shouts again. "Red hair scorch!" Flare screams, her hair twisting towards Lucy. "Joint attack guys!" Lucy booms. Her spirits combining their magic. It hits Flare, but doesn't really do that much damage.

"Wolf Bangs!" Flare screeches in the air, her hair forming a wolf. I clutch Eclipse to my chest. "Cancer!" Lucy screams, the crab spirit cutting Flare's hair. "No! My hair!" Flare cries out, her face melting into rage. "YOU'LL PAY!" Flare screams, her hair slamming and burying into the dirt. It comes up through the dirt, wrapping around Lucy's ankle.

Flare spins her around numerous times. Then Lucy unleashes her whip and it wraps around Flare's ankle. They spin together before falling to the floor. "Ow!" Lucy says, pulling her boots off. "I liked these boots as well." She groans. "Aw! Did my beautiful hair burn you're little TOOTSIES?!" Flare snarls.

Flare digs her hair into the dirt again, but this time, it doesn't pop up near Lucy. "Wha?!" Lucy asks exasperated. Then she sees something. "AS-!" She begins to shout, but Flare cuts her off with her hair. "Asuka hm?" I mutter, trying to get Natsu's attention. He waves at me confused when he sees me, I hurriedly point to Aska. He looks at me confused.

'ASUKA YOU IDIOT!' I telepath him. He looks at Aska. 'ASUKA WHAT?!' He asks. I look back to Lucy who is being beaten. 'LUCY ISN'T ATTACKING BECAUSE FLARE IS USING ASKA AGAINST HER. FLARE'S HAIR IS NEAR ASUKA!' I literally scream. He looks grumpy and nods. 'THANKS Y/N.' he grins. I give him a thumbs up.

"GET EM LUCY!" Natsu shouts, burning Flare's hair. "Thanks Natsu." Lucy mumbles loudly. "Gemini!" She screams. The twins appear and I smile widely, putting my elbows on the balcony edge. "Turn into me!" Lucy orders kindly, and they obey. Turning into Lucy with a towel on. I laugh and feel someone's eyes on me.

I look across to Sabertooth and see Sting glaring at me, he smirks when I look at him and winks. I roll my eyes and stick out my tongue childishly. "All 88 stars aid me..." Lucy begins her spell, stars gathering in the centre. I feel a surge of energy that isn't Lucy's, it's cancelling magic. I look around and locate it at Raven Tail. I fumble around with my hands. "Magic block." I whisper, a magic barrier forming around Raven Tail.

"LUCY HEARTFILIA OF FAIRY TAIL A WINS!" I hear the announcer boom. I grin and look at Fairy Tail A, who are crushing Lucy with a hug. "We saw you Y/n." Mira smiles, placing a hand on my shoulder. 'THANKS Y/N!' Natsu mouths and I blush slightly and wave.

The next few matches weren't as good, Jellal lost but it's all good. We are 2nd. I head to the inn, where people are playing barrel roll. I take part but lose. I decide to walk to our inn to see Melody.

"Hey beautiful!" I hear Sting's voice say behind me. "Ugh! I swear you stalk me!" I laugh turning around. "Nope just going for a walk.." Sting grins, gesturing towards his exceed. I kneel down to his exceed. "Pleased to meet you. I'm Lector." He greets politely. I was about to introduce myself, but her cuts me off. "I already know your Y/n. Sting talks about you ALL the time, so does Rogue." He says, matter of factly.

Sting goes bright red in embarrassment. "LECTOR!" He shouts, I laugh before opening my inn doors. "See you guys tomorrow." I say grinning. "Good night gorgeous. And if anyone attacks you, you know where to find your handsome knights. He smirks. "Yeh... I'll just get Natsu and Gray, but thanks." I smirk and shut the door. "Hey!" I hear him shout but I go upstairs and see Melody sat up in bed. "Hey." I say softly, walking over to her and sitting on the bed.

"Hi Mum." She smiles, returning to her cheerful self. I smile. "Mum huh?" I ask. "Yup! If you don't mind." She asks. "Nah, it's ok." I say, smoothing out the sheets. "I need a Dad then." She says slyly. "Haha NO!" I laugh. "Well... why not? You're pretty, I'm sure loads of boys like you..." She goes on. "Huh?" I ask. She then snaps her fingers. "WHAT ABOUT NATSU?!" She asks smiling. I go a bit red. "No Mel." I say sadly. "I can't love until I'm 19..." I say.

"That's a few days!" She argues. I smile at her and kiss her forehead as she slips down in her bed. "Night Mel." I say quietly, pulling the covers over her.

An~ Yes I know and I'm sorry. I haven't been able to publish as frequently. I apologise!! Baii <3

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