Slayer Fight

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Your POV:
I watched all the duo battles unravel, and for a second, I thought Millana was honestly gonna take down Juga and Lyon all by herself! But that match ended in a draw. I frown as our match begins and slowly make my way down the stairs out the back of our stand.

"Y/n..." I hear two voices call in unison. I swivel round on my heel to see Melody with Eclipse hugged against her chest. I walk over to them and crouch down on one knee. "Try to win." Melody smiles. I grin, ruffling her hair and stand back up. "I'll try." I say, before messing Eclipse's fur up and waving them off.

As I enter the archway, the shouts are mixed between Fairy Tail and Sabertooth. Sting and Rogue are already standing in the arena. Staring. Waiting. I sigh and lean against the archways wall, waiting for Natsu. I hear him say bye to Happy and then he walks over to me, grinning insanely.

"Natsu, I had an idea." I begin, pushing off the wall. He nods, ushering me to go on. "We will use Kagura and Milanna's idea. I won't fight and you'll fight em both. That's what you want right?" Natsu's eyes brighten and he nods vigorously. "Great!" We head into the centre where the 'Twin Dragons' are waiting.

"Well Y/n! We know you have wings but that's about it. Wonder why you're here in the first place." I stare at him blankly. "Ok! You have 30 minutes! Battle Begin!!" The Pumpkin shouts and Natsu darts forward, punching the two dragon slayers in the face. "Angels Holy Shield." I chant, a force field appearing around me.

The Dragon Slayers fought, Sting occupying most of Natsu's time whilst Rogue tried to hit me. I just sat on the ground, in a zen position. "Shadow Dragon Roar!" Rogue shouted smacking my force field, failing to hit me. I breath in and out and carry on concentrating on my magic power. Suddenly, I hear a loud thud and see Natsu being punched by Sting.

A white circle appeared on Natsu's well toned- stomach. All of Natsu's movements were apparently in vain as he was paralysed by Sting's punch. Rogue's still punching my shield, but I barely notice. Sting skidded back then sprinted at Natsu to punch him, Natsu grinning manically. When the White Dragon Slayer was in range, Son of Igneel punched him straight in the face, causing him to stumble back.

"You shouldn't be able to move!" Sting protested, then looks back at me and smirks. "Hey Natsu~San. How about we make... a bet?" Natsu goes back into fighting stance grinning. "What kind of bet?" Salamander asks. I feel my rage gate open. "What no way in hell Pyro! Don't you dare make a bet!" I scream, waving my hands about. I'm pretty sure steam was coming out of my ears.

"If Rogue and I win, Y/n joins our guild." Sting wagers, smirking at me once again. "Oh hell naw! Natsu don't you even dare!" Rogue sprung back from hitting my force field. "That's a good wager Sting." He says, actually joining the conversation. "What?! No it's not!" I shriek, throwing a tantrum like a kid.

"Aw~ Y/n~chan looks so cute when she's mad." Sting coos, I stop throwing my tantrum and glare at him. "Oh I'll show you cute." I laugh evilly, making my force field disappear. Sting and Rogue's face morphed into shock. "Uh oh." Natsu mentally curses, taking a step back. "Great! Holy Nova!" Sting shouts, but I stand still, allowing it to hit me.

It bounces back at him and he steps to the side. "Fine Y/n~chan. Be that way." Sting huffs. "Shadow Drive." Rogue shouts, Sting copying in his pursuit. A second later there's a hole in the ground, with the Dragon Slayers all falling down it in slow motion. Like in a really bad action movie. Sting uses another move causing Natsu to fall flat on his face.

I gently float down, my white wings out and land gracefully on the new formed floor. "Well, at least it's Battle Royals in two days." I mutter, putting my wings away. 'I don't want Natsu to get in the way... so let me just..." I put a force field around the Fire Dragon Slayer as he woke up, his fists pounding on the shield. "Ay Y/n this isn't following the plan." He whines.

"Betrayal." Rogue murmurs, a look of amusement on his face. "Yeh. I don't need him, I still need to get back at you Sabers for hurting Lucy!" I shout, summoning my katana. "Aw cmon Y/n~chan we all know that isn't your magic! Just show us already." I smirk at his claim. "If you make a single dent in my katana, I'll show you my magic." I say calmly, knowing they would. That triggers them, and they turn on their Dragon Force immediately and rush towards me at lightning speed.....




An~ Ha cliffhanger :P. See you guys next time! Baii <3

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