The Job

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Your P.O.V
"Hey Y/n!" Mira said. I was sat at the bar whilst a 'whole guild fight' was happening behind me. "Hey Mira, something bothering you?" I asked. She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Actually, I was wondering if u were part of a team here? You know like Team Natsu, Team Shadowgear? That kind of thing?" I smiled and turned my attention to the fight were Erza had cornered Gray and Natsu, a sword in hand. "Yeh actually Mira I am!" I replied. Her eyes widened in surprise. "Oh who's team are you part of?" I smiled to myself. "Just me and Eclipse." I said meekly.

"Really?" She asked. I looked up the stairs leading to the infirmary. "Yeh, I know it doesn't seem that big, but I think we make a pretty good team." Mira smiled sweetly. "I only ask because Erza was saying she might go on a job with you, just you and her? She wasn't sure if you wanted to come, that's all Y/n." I looked across at Erza again and she was still holding her sword up in the air threatening to cut off Natsu and Gray's heads. "Uh-huh. Okay Mira I'll tell her. I think my Angel powers and her Requip will work well together." I rushed off to tell Erza my reply.

Erza's P.O.V:
"How dare you link my hair colour to the colour of your teeth after you've brushed!" I scream at Natsu. I look across at Gray. "And you." I say pointing my sword at him."Your just unlucky to be in this mess." I was about to let them meet their fate when Y/n tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey Erza." She grinned. I smiled at her and looked to the boys scowling. "Your lucky." I told them."That Y/n has lightened my mood so I'm not angry anymore." I make my sword disappear and turn to Y/n smiling. "So Y/n... what did you wanna say?" I ask.

Your P.O.V:
I'm glad I made friends with Erza when I was younger, I don't feel her wrath as much as any other person in the guild. "I was gonna talk to you about your job request!" I say, staring at her intently. "Oh?" She says, suddenly highly interested. "What about it?" I smile and tell her I'd be happy to go as long as Eclipse can also come. "She can come!" Erza says. "But this is a S-class mission so I don't wanna see her get hurt, OK? I nod. "So?" I ask. "What's the job about?" Her eyes lowered and her smile became creepy. "We're saving a village from destruction!"

Hi! :)) I was kinda wondering if u wanna see anyone dead in this book. Not a main character but someone from the village maybe? Please let me know ;))

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