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Your P.O.V:

"Hey Y/n?" I feel a slight tug on olive green t-shirt. I look down to see Melody looking up hopefully. "Do you think I will be elected to be in this year's S-class trials? I am stronger than Wendy now." She beams up hopefully. I nod to myself.

"You have a good shot." I say, not trying to get her hopes up too much. The scratch down my eye is no a thin scar, like a tiger has clawed me with only one claw. I look down at Eclipse who has her arms wrapped around my ankle, in exceed form. " And now..." I perk my head up and head up to the stage so I can stand on it with the rest of the S-class wizards. Eclipse had dug her claws into my ankle and was still wrapped around it, fearing to let go.

"The people for this years S-class trials are..." I look at Melody in the crowd, she has her fingers crossed and has closed her eyes tightly. "Natsu Dragneel!" He pumps his ignited fist in the air. "Gray Fullbuster!" He nods happily to himself. "Cana Alberona!" I look t Cana but she looks sad and hurt by the announcement of her name. "Elfman Strauss!" He shouts that he's a man making Lisanna sweat drop.

"Juvia Lockser!" Her eyes shine, probably from being in a tournament with 'Gray-sama'. "Freed Justine!" Freed looks ecstatic at the thought of being like Laxus. "Levy McGarden!" She jumps up and down excitedly. "At last but definitely not least... Melody L/n!" She screams with joy and runs onto the stage and tackles me into a hug, earning 'awws' from the crowd.

Mest looks mortified to have been beaten by a 14 year old, as does Gajeel. "I'm so proud of you!" I squeal as I get her off me. She smiles brightly with tears in her eyes. "This is all because of you Y/n! If you hadn't of taught me, none of this would've happened, I would've been weak, so thank you!" She buries her face into my shirt. "You may have one partner for this trial..."Master put in, only to be interrupted by Melody. "I choose Y/n!" She waves my arm around in the air, earning a scowl from Master. "You aren't allowed an S-class wizard." He finishes, Melody looks upset but quickly gets over it when she spots Wendy. "WENDY! WENDY! WENDY!" she shots, running up to her. "Wanna be my partner?" Carla looks a bit disappointed, clearly hoping for some time alone with Wendy.

Chloe P.O.V:

I ran to the guild, Alpha running alongside next to me, I had a message from the underworld, it involved Y/n and something about her dying unless she was loved. I assume they mean that icky sappy love where a girl loves a boy *shudders* not my scene. I crash through the guild doors to see everyone crowded and busy talking to each other. GREAT, how am I supposed to find Y/n now?! I push through the crowd and find Y/n surprisingly quickly talking to Erza.

"Y/N! Y/N! I..." I was cut off by Master. "Go train my children!" he shouts. Y/n smiles apologetically at me. "Sorry Chloe, I gotta go train, hang out on Sunday, 'kay?" And with that she runs out of the guild, laughing with Erza next to her. I feel a sharp pain go through my head. "Tell her!" the voice whispers


I see Y/n injured under a white camp, everyone else in the guild fighting a black dragon, protecting each other, protecting their nakama. Y/n suddenly wakes up and sprints to the fighting, the dragon about to roar and kill everyone. She jumps in front of them, "BLACK ANGEL HELL'S SHIELD!" She shouts deflecting the roar back at Achnologia. She then covers her guild mates in an indestructible shield and fights the beast, all her angels merged, making a total of 4 angels, the fourth one unfamiliar, its purple with red dots and scales with horns and a lizard tail. She eventually takes down Achnologia, but not before it can roar one more time, sending Y/n to certain death and all others to a seven year slumber...

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