Ball Epilogue

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Your POV:
"It's itchy." I groan to Erza who is pulling a necklace around my neck as I look at myself in the mirror and shudder.

I actually look feminine.

"Stop whining Y/n, the more you whine the more you're going to have to be in a dress." Erza lectures like a Mum.

"Of course Mother." I quip and she goes to smack me but I duck. "Lucky." She grumbles before tying my necklace and backing up. "MIRA! Look at what I did to Y/n!" Erza shouts and sure enough, the transformation mage practically sprints in.

"Y/n! You actually look you know..." she smiles sweetly looking at me.

"Like a girl?" I ask raising an eyebrow and stand, nearly toppling over as the heals are unsteady. Where my high tops at?

"No silly! Like a proper angel." She teases as she comes over to tidy my hair up. "Ouch Mira real subtle, bringing up the fact I don't suit my magic." I tease back and she giggles as all the other girls enter.

"Y/n! You look like a goddess!" Levy gushes and I want to hug her but Mira YANKS my hair. "Ow!" I whine and she smiles. "I wasn't finished." I wince and growl before she finishes. "There."

Walking/ Tripping along side Erza to the entrance I grumble as we get to the curtains. "I think I forgot to feed my cat." I say, turning round and she grabs my collar. "Nope." I'm actually glad she didn't say anything about not having one, because that wound is still open and raw.

"In we go." Erza smiles as Yukino follows behind me and she pushes the curtains open and pushes me through them. What a jerk move.

Standing in the open I feel eyes slowly turn to me and I go pink. "Hi." I smile, trying to walk how Lucy had taught me. I was doing well. Was. Past tense. That was until I tripped over the table cloth and into a random stranger before bouncing and into Gray.

"Thanks Frosted Flake. Nice catch." I smile, going red before teetering myself back onto my feet. "That was quite a fall." He'd bully and I frowned. "Whatever Gray. Get me back in MY shoes and I'll beat you up." He rolls his eyes before handing me a drink. "Here."

Gulping it down I grin. "Cheers to me not dying." Gray days and I clink the glass. "Yes uh cheers..." I mumble, the glasses being empty so what we did made NO sense. Some elegant music started to play and Gray places his glass down. "Care for a dance?" He offers and I gladly accept, wanting to give Lyon a shot at getting Juvia.

My head rested on his chest as we moved slowly in time with the music, his hands round my waist. "Sorry about Eclipse, Y/n." He says after a few moments of silence. "Not your fault... or anyone's. It just happened." I mumble out turning to look at him and FORCING a smile.

"Ok... I'm here if you want to talk." He offers as he spins me around and the music stops. "You want something to eat?" He'd offer before leaving before I could get an answer out. I sigh, standing on the dance floor before a very feminine hand extends itself as more music carries on.

"Y/n? May I?"

It's Kagura. I turn to her, pink faced before taking her hand as we dance slowly with each other, our hands keeping us together. "I wanted to thank you... for yknow not judging my motives with Mystogan." I nod and look at her as she looks down.

"Considering you and Erza are like sisters... can I be a little sister to you both?" She'd ask and I feel a smile come through naturally. "Aw. Of course." I laugh and she looks at me charmed almost. "Thank you..." She smiles quietly before she's tapped on the shoulder and Rogue offers her a dance.

"Can I cut in?" He asks me and I nod before making my way to the food table, leaving Kagura and Rogue to dance to the remainder of the song. "Y/n!" I spin, grapes stuffed in my mouth. Where was my break? Where I got to be alone for a while.

It was Hibiki. Of Blue Pegasus. "Care to dance?" He offers, practically glittering and I giggle. He looks so posh and done up for this event and I felt uncomfortable in what I was wearing. "Sorry man. She's with me." Gajeel steps forward and I look at him. "Come on Gajeel. One dance." I say and he frowns. "Fine. Tried to save you Shortcake. Don't fall for the player."

He goes to ruffle my hair but Mira catches his hand growling. I take Hibiki's hand who leads me to the dance floor once again. "So Y/n. Good job taking down that Angel." He says and I smile politely. "Kinda my job." I mumble before going over my ankle and wincing, him pulling me back up onto my feet. "You're not great at this are you?" He chuckles.

"Apparently not." I giggle back and we move side to side as the music slowly comes to a stop. "Nice dancing with you Hibiki." I smile and he waves me off before squealing like a girl and running to the other TriMen. Cute.

What was more cute was how my adopted daughter, Melody, was stuffing her face with Chelia and Wendy. Gosh she will be a good Angel... with beauty, grace and partial etiquette which... mirrors my own. Hehe. I am not the most polite person in the world. She was wearing a dress much like Chelia's but more tight fitting and it was baby blue. She's my entire world that girl.

That and the only FAMILY family I have left...

"Announcement from the King! Before final dances." A squire shouts, bringing me out of my daze and everyone turns to face the balcony, where trumpets were blaring. Lucy stood beside me and squeezed my arm before I look around for Natsu. Where was the man of the hour anyways?

"HELLO FIORE!" Natsu's voice sounds out before I look up and sweat drop. Of course. "GIVE ME BACK MY CROWN!" I hear a small voice whine and I hide a laugh behind my hand. "BOW TO ME!" Natsu yells before the crown is given back to the King and Natsu volts over the balcony, landing onto the perfectly polished floor.

"I want to say thank you. To all. For protecting our land and my Kingdom. My biggest thanks to the Dragon Slayers. Who protected us against what seemed like an impossible enemy. We owe our lives to you. My biggest thank you however, goes to our Angel Slayer who took on the largest opponent out there, and even faced a loss through it. But kept working for us, through the pain. A large thank you to you, Y/n L/n."

I look to the side red as Laxus hoists me onto his shoulder, sitting on it and I place a hand on his head to steady myself. He looks up at me with pity before smiling slightly and I look to the King before waving a thanks. "PARTY!" The King yells and everyone cheers.

When I'm put down, I go to the large balcony out back and look back up at the stars. Of Eclipse was here, she'd want me to celebrate. But she wasn't. I sigh as cherry blossoms swirl in the air around me. I was alone.

For 10 minutes.

Before somebody obviously came searching for me.

"Hey Y/n?" I glance back and see Sting and Natsu. "Oh... hey you two." I say; wiping a tear away and putting on a smile. Natsu walks over and leans against the railing and Sting follows, on the other side of me than Natsu. "You did great out there." Natsu comments and I nod quietly.

"I'm sorry about Eclipse."

I bite my tongue from snapping his head off, why did everyone keep apologising? It wasn't their fault and nothing to do with them. Stop bringing it up.

"I'm sorry for your loss, don't blame yourself." I turn to Sting in shock, the only person who understood what I was thinking. "Thanks you two." I smile, Sting having soothed my mind.

"You coming in to dance?" Natsu asks grinning, to be honest, I didn't even know he could.

Or he could but had to left feet.

"She'll dance with me first Dragneel." Sting says with mocking competitiveness and I laugh as I walk towards the ballroom again. "You'll dance with me right Y/n?" They ask in unison and I smile as Gajeel appears.

"Sorry guys. Y/n promised me." He takes my hand, with Levy's permission of course, and leads me inside.

A star shining and glimmering happily, brighter than all the rest as Sting and Natsu whine and head inside too.

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