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An~ I couldn't leave you guys there T^T !

Your POV:
I was shocked, but happy for everyone else. Lucy and Wendy were begging for me to take their place. "Well lets go!" Erza ushered them out the door, so they stopped bugging me.

"Y/n, Laxus, Mira, Gajeel , Mystogan and Melody. My office now." We all looked at each other suspiciously. "You guys will be Fairy Tail B." Master said calmly, putting a piece of paper straight on his desk. "Really?!" Melody said, clasping her hands together like she was dreaming.

"Yes!" Master said. Gajeel's face turned into a smirk. "If we win and not them what do we get?" He asked cheekily. "Well they'll be at your beck and call I guess.." Mira jumped up. "Ok guys lets go!" She squealed, dragging me out the door. "MIRA!" I whine.

"C'mon Gajeel! Get. on. The. Carriage." I said, trying to push him through the door. "No!" He grunts. I smirk. I'll just use the trick I used on Natsu. "Melody has a healing spell, it prevents motion sickness." Gajeel raises an eyebrow." Really?" He asks. I nod. "Ok Y/n. I trust you." He says, getting on and taking a seat opposite Laxus.

I evilly snicker as I sit next to him, in between him and Melody. The carriage sets of and motion sickness immediately takes over him. "Melody.." He says, reaching out to her dramatically. "Oh! Here." She says using a magic I've never seen before. "Wha-?!" I shriek. She smiles at me sweetly. "Wendy!"

We finally arrive at Crocus, everything seemed so BIG! I waved off my friends and headed to look around, Melody had already found Wendy. I immediately head to a flower crown shop wanting the f/c ones which I spotted in the window. I delicately placed it on my head and smiled. "That'll be 300J ma'am!" The woman at the counter said kindly. Whilst I was getting my money out of my pocket she was looking at my guild mark.

"Fairy Tail?!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Yeh! I was part of the Tenrou crew!" I smiled. She gently placed her old hands on my shoulder. "I'll be routing for you! I know you'll win! Take the crown for free." I was about to protest but she held up her right hand. "No buts." I thank her three times before leaving the shop. Seen as our carriage arrived at 6pm I didn't really have much time.

My ears pick up the sound of a fight, and where there's a fight there's Natsu. I run over in that direction.

Natsu's POV (FINALLY!) :
Sting was looking me right in the eye, I felt threatened, I didn't know what to do. "NATSU!" I hear the voice of Y/n?! I look over to the left and see her running towards me smiling. "Y/n?!" I say, standing up. "Y/n?!" Sting exclaims, staring at her with a smirk. She eventually reaches us, her breathing a little heavy. I notice a flower crown on her head and blush.

Your POV:
"What are you doing?!" I ask calmly, ignoring whoever Natsu was fighting with. "He started it!" Natsu said pointing to the person behind me. I raise an eyebrow and look to Lucy who confirms his claim. I whip around and see a face I NEVER wanted to see again. "Oh its you." I say bluntly, looking at the blond in disgust. "Aw don't be that way Y/n." Sting said nudging me.

"What are you doing here Y/n?" Natsu asks, looking at the flowers on my head. "Cheering you guys on!" I say, making a cheerleader Pom Pom action. "Really?!" Natsu says, hugging me. "Gah! Get off!" I say, going bright red with embarrassment. He lets go and looks at me in apology. "So how do you know Sting?" Natsu asks.

"We are a couple!" Sting says, putting his arm over my shoulder. I elbow him in the gut. "No we are not!" I say angrily. "So..." Natsu says angrily. I look at him. "We met when we came back from Tenrou." I say matter of factly. "That's correct." Rogue confirms behind me. "Oh God! It's 11!" I say, looking at the clock on the tower. "I best get going." I say dashing off to our inn. "Bye Y/n!" Sting says cockily, looking at Natsu, obviously trying to start a fight.

"I'm back!" I say, bursting through the door. "Nice timing!" Mira compliments. "Where's Melody?" I ask, sitting down on a bed. "She's still with Wendy.." Laxus says, trying to listen to the announcer. "It's a maze or somethin." Gajeel comments, brushing his shoulder. "GO!" The announcer booms and I run, forgetting about Melody. "We gotta get in the top three." Mystogan/Jellal murmurs. I nod, I stop on a platform. "Guys, I can fly us to the finish.." I say, I can carry 2. Mira stops clicking her fingers. "The finish is North, so Y/n carry Gajeel and Laxus. I'll fly myself like Jellal."

We fly to a road above the water and I place them down in front of the Pumpkin. "Congratulations! You can compete!" The Pumpkin says. "Y/n L/n, Mira Strauss, Mystogan, Laxus Dreyar and Gajeel Redfox." I high-five Gajeel. "Where did we come?" Laxus asked. "2nd." The Pumpkin says simply shoving us through the door and greeting the guild behind us. "Well, we are in." I say, now I must find Melody.

An~ Hello!! My best friend fairy1tail has just published her first book and I HIGHLY recommend it! So please go check it out if you can/want. Bali <3

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