Y/n vs ?

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Your P.O.V:
I had been sitting for a while when I heard footsteps entering the cave. I stand up, brushing myself off and look ahead. Ahead, I see Juvia and Lissana. "Hi!" I call to them. Juvia exhales in relief. "Thank God Y/n! I was worried I'd have to fight Erza!" I frown at this, nobody apart from Master, Erza, Melody and Natsu know I'm stronger than Erza, A LOT stronger.

"You ready?" Lissana asks sweetly, I only nod in response, taking out my twin Death katanas. Lissana turns into a cat and runs for me, attempting to scratch me. I dodge and kick her in the back as she goes past. Juvia uses Water lock, but my katanas cut through it with ease. Juvia is shocked by this and uses another water move, of which I also dodge with ease. I'm beginning to get bored. "Holy Shruiken!" I yell, black shruikens hitting Juvia.

"Penguin Transformation!" I hear Lissana scream, landing on top of me. I lift her up, and throw her off me. Juvia screams another move. "Ok guys! I'm done playing!" I say smiling. I touch the black side of my yin and yan necklace. "I beg of thee call upon my third body of the holy angels. Turn my heart to pure light and my soul to darkness. Give me the power to wield an Angels magic. Black angel transformation!" Juvia just stands there watching, I forgot she'd never seen my magic before.

"Darkness Cross!" I chant, a large X hitting both Juvia and Lissana. They were out cold on the floor. I gently pick them both up, with the help of Eclipse and take them to camp. I guess Juvia won't be S class this year.

At camp, Mira is cooking and Erza has just arrived and she throws the 2 bodies of Gray and Loke on the floor. I laugh at their faces and Erza smiles happily at me. "Melody made it though!" She says smiling. I smile to, proud of how far Melody has come. Suddenly Levy appears, dragging Gajeel over her shoulder, I immediately run to her side to aid her in carrying Gajeel. "What happened?" I ask, looking at his ragged face. "These people, supposedly from Grimoire Heart." I scowl at the name, I told Melody that if she sees them and they attack, never to hold back.

I help them into their allocated beds and make my way out to find Master. I have to warn him about this unexpected visit. I go up a rugged path and I see Melody lunge and push Wendy out the way of an explosion. I was stunned, where did it come from. I telepath Erza and let her know and she leaves Mira, Lissana (who's awake now) and Levy to take care of the injured. I then see a man, with long blonde hair and weird looking trousers on standing, mocking a beaten up Melody.

I sprint out the trees and stand in front of Mel, protecting her. "Oh and what do we have hear?" He asks, curiously. "Another Fairy? A pretty one if I may add." He chuckles, I just stand there glaring at him. "What is your business in hurting this girl?" I ask, annoyed. He just carries on laughing. "Grimoire heart never show mercy!" He says. "Even to girls like her!" He points at Melody behind me.

"If I fight you and win, you will join Grimoire Heart!" He says, demandingly. "Or I'll kill the girl." I nod, accepting his terms. "Ok. But you may not use Melody against me in the fight, and you may not hit her. If you do, I will kill you." I say darkly. He nods and immediately throws black flames at me. I jump and dodge, taking Melody with me, I drop her on the ground an tell her to find anyone from our guild and to take Wendy with her, she nods, tears streaming down her face and runs off with Wendy. "C'mon!" He shouts.

"It's no fun when your not fighting back!" He throws another fireball at me. "Ok I will then!" I say taking my twin White katanas out. "Oh! So you use Requip?" He asks, observing as I cut through his fire. "No actually! That's only one of my small magics!" I tell him. "If you wanna see my true power, you gotta take your magic up a notch!" I yell. He smirks.

"Ok then! Fire God Roar!" He shouts, I block it with my katanas making an X. "That's more like it!" I yell, looking at the small dents in my katanas. "Say your prays!" I shout up to him. "I beg of thee call upon my second body of the holy angels. Turn my heart to pure darkness and my soul to light. Give me the power to wield an Angels magic. White angel transformation!" I hover above him, my golden hair blowing in the breeze.
"White Angel Sacred art of the Holy Heavens! Gate to the Angel Gabriel!" A huge Angel appears behind me, taking out that Fire God dude with one hit, I land safely on the ground, stumble a bit and fall into someone's strong arms. "Don't worry! I gotcha!" Natsu says smiling. I smile sheepishly back at him and he puts me on his back, and is now on a quest to find camp.

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