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Your P.O.V:
"ERZA?!" I shout through the smoke. I feel tears stream down my face due to the smoke in my eyes. "It's ok Y/n!" I hear her shout. "Focus on the goal. Find any survivors and bring them to safety!" I nod to nobody and carry on my arm shielding my eyes. I enter a house and check upstairs. I feel the wooden floor sag below me. Embers licking at my feet.

"Hello anybody in here?" I ask. I hear cries from underneath two twin beds. I slowly walk up to it and peer under. A little girl with purple hair is curled up in a tight ball. "Hey..." I say to her through her muffled cries. "It's ok. I'm not going to hurt you." She looks up and nods slowly giving me her hand. I pull her out gently and put her on my back.

I carry her to the next house and see a woman that looks exactly like the girl, the hair, the face everything. She is on the floor blood leaking through her neck. "Mummy?" The girl on my back says. I put her down and inspect her Mum whilst she's next to her.

The mother turns her head to her daughter and smiles putting her hand on the daughters face. "Hey Melody, it's gonna be ok." She says, tears streaming down her face. The Mother turns to me, giving me a necklace with a purple charm on. "When it's Melody's birthday, give this to her for me please? And take good care of her." I smile a tear slipping from my eyes. "I will." I say. "I love you Melody..." Her mother whispers. And she left earth her soul moving to the sky.

"MUMMY! No...YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME MUMMY!" Melody cries shaking her Mum. I pick up Melody's hand. "Mummy's gone Melody..." I say crying. " Tears stream down the little girl's face as she climbs back on my back. She blows a kiss to her Mum as we walk away.

Erza's P.O.V:
I'm so ashamed. I helped nobody, they were all, dead. I see Y/n stumble up the hill to where I was standing. I see her face, tears streaming down her eyes. On her back is a little girl, with amazing purple hair. She was alive and breathing. "Y/n! You saved one!" I exclaim. Y/n collapses, exhausted and the little girl clutches her neck. Not letting go. When I walk over to her she shrinks away. "Please don't hurt her." The little girl says to me. "She saved me, she's the only family I have left." I look at her with sadness. "It's ok." I say. "I would never hurt Y/n, she's my Best Friend." The girl nods, still tightly keeping hold of Y/n. Y/n turns over to look at me. "She's a survivor, I'll teach her magic. I take care of her" I hear Y/n mumble. "Melody, is now like a sister to me." Y/n blacks out.

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