Clock Pieces

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Your P.O.V:
"Alright! Here's the groups!" Cana shouts gaining everyone's attention. "Erza, Wendy, Melody, Carla and myself!" Cana shouts, Erza looks put out that I'm not with her, I tell Erza to take care of Melody.

"Gray and Juvia!" Juvia looks ecstatic where as Gray looks like he wants to die. "Natsu, Y/n, Romeo, Lucy, Happy Michelle!" Cana says, I nod in satisfactory with my team.

"Let's get those clock pieces!" We all yell and run out of the the guild hall, our clock piece is across sea, which means motion sickness for Natsu. When we bored the boat, Natsu is still shrunk (forgot to say last time)

Natsu falls overboard after a while and has to be saved by the old men we hitched a ride with. When Natsu's back on board he grows back to his normal size. "Was that you?" Lucy asks the old men happily whilst they're swimming in the water. "Yes. Take care of yourself Miss Heartfilia!"

We arrive at a cave, I've never really liked caves. I shudder as we go inside and we hear dripping water. "You sure it's here guys?" Lucy questions, rubbing her arms. "Positive." Natsu grunts. We eventually reach a clearing in the cave, it looks like some sort of old town. I leave the group to inspect some of the houses. "Lulu!" I hear a voice squeal outside.

I dash out back to my group of friends, there are two others facing them. A man with brown hair and the little girl from before, the one who ran up the mountain. "Us meeting here must've been fate Lulu!" The man squeals, trying to reach Lucy, but Natsu steps in front. "Why are you here!?" Natsu shouts.

"To collect the clock piece of course!" The young girl says angrily. Suddenly the man shoots his spear thing at Natsu making him shrink. "Hey!" I shout angrily running to join the group. The man perks up at the sound of my voice and looks at me as I pick Natsu up.

"And what is your name my lovely ray of sunshine!" The man squeals. I grunt and stand up. Natsu was cursing and trying to escape my grip. "Y/n." I say curtly. The man squeaks and then turns to Lucy. "I can't choose between Lulu and (N/n) " he wails. Romeo steps forward. "Leave the girls alone you player!" He shouts.

The brunette male groans and aims his spear to shrink Romeo, who quickly dodges, causing it to hit Lucy. She screams as she turns small, before I can react, Dan (the girl said it when he shrunk Lucy) is in front of her. "Now you look like a cute keyring! Now we can be together even when I battle my love!" He attatches her to his armour.

"You're really getting on my nerves!" I yell, causing him to look at me. "You can be small too!" He says, shooting the spear at me. I hold Natsu in front of me in instinct. It hits him and he grows back to his normal size, crushing me on the ground. "N-Natsu!" I gasp, trying to get him off me.

"Oh! Sorry N/n!" He says, getting off me then helping me up. Natsu then begins a fight with Dan. After a few fire dragon roars, Dan's laser spear goes mental, and begins shooting everywhere. I dodge just in time and it hits Happy twice. So now Happy is HUGE.

"NATSU?" Happy booms whilst stepping on the Fire dragon Slayer. "Happy! He's under your foot." Michelle gasps, trying to help Natsu up. "SORRY! Happy booms again, stepping off him. I get out my katanas and run towards Dan, cutting off the string that ties Lucy to him. I pick Lucy up and throw her to Natsu. "Go find the clock piece! I'll distract him!" I shout.

Without question the group runs on, so I'm alone with Dan. "Hello N/n! If I win will you be my girlfriend?" He asks cockily. God he reminds me of Sting. "No." I say shortly. He pouts and immediately attacks, trying to jab me with his spear. I dodge and slice upwards with my katana, breaking his armour in two.

Whilst he's down I pick up his shield. "Your defeated." I say indignantly. He slowly gets up and puts his arms in the air. "You didn't use any magic N/n! Why not?" He groans like a child. I round house kick him in the head then hit the same place with his shield, knocking him out. I discard the shield then make my katana disappear.

I run to join the group. Eventually, I find them down a ditch. They're screaming Lucy's name down it asking if she's ok. I hold out my hand for Romeo and one by one I help them up. "Y/n! Can you fly down there and make sure she's ok!?" Natsu pleads. I sigh and turn into my white Angel. Diving down there after Lucy.

I'm about to reach her when I hear a land slide, dust smashes into my eyes, causing my flying to falter. I feel for the floor and get rid of my wings. "Lucy?!" I shout. "I'm ok." I hear her say back. When the dust clears, only the little girl is crushed by the rubble, and Lucy is tugging at her arm to help her out.

I sigh again and go to help her, wrapping up her wounds afterwards. We leave her in the hall we went down. When we get to the main place, Natsu, Romeo,Happy and Michelle have found the piece and are with the other groups of Fairy Tail. I grin and rush over to Melody and Erza.

"Thanks for helping us." A familiar voice says from the darkness. "You imbeciles just helped us unleash the true evil! You weren't doing any good at all!" And there, in the shadows, was the Oracion Seis.

An~ Sorry! Really bad chapter! Baii <3

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