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An~ THANK YOU FOR 5k :) I didn't think it'd get this far but thank you all so much <3
Your P.O.V:
I wake up to the sounds of loads of voices. My head feels groggy and my arms weak. "Y/n your awake!" I hear the voice of Melody squeal as she jumps on me, causing searing pain in my stomach. I just hug her back, not saying anything. "Wow..." I hear Erza say. "You've taken down 2 of them." I smile at this.

"But Mum! I have no magic powers! I can't leave you and Dad! Not hear... Not now! Please Mummy don't leave me! I love you too much Mum! Please..." A young me stands on my own wailing my Mothers and Fathers name, warm tears streaming down my face.

Flashback ends~

I frown to myself, then shake it off with a smile. And attempt to get up, stumbling a bit before actually managing to stand upright. After about half an hour, I hear Natsu shout, "ALRIGHT! They hurt Gramps! We can't just sit here like this! We need and offended and defence." I nod in agreement. "I'll go offence." I say, raising my hand, Melody pulls it down.

"Your wounded." She lectures but I just smile at her and ruffle her hair. "I'll be fine." I say, Melody just smiles and walks back to Wendy. Gray joins offence, along with Erza, Lucy, the Exceeds, Wendy and Melody. Which I highly disapprove of. The rest are defence. We run off into the apparent direction of the ship, where our biggest threat lies.

It's sat on the beach, purple and red, it's huge. The Exceeds have already gone in. We follow in quick pursuit. Finding Hades on his throne, he smiles maliciously as we walk in. "Fairy Scum... Welcome! I didn't think you'd make it this far!" I scowl at the comment. He'd never be able to take down Fairy Tail on his own! So why mock us when we are low.

He stands up and we immediately unleash everything we have, apart from me. I'm keeping my powers hidden till I need them the most, just using my katana magic Erza taught me. After our hits on him, he emerges out of the dust, unscathed. "Alright that's one chance gone." He hissed. He shot a magic beam at Melody, she didn't have time to dodge so it hit her square on.

All that remained of her was her clothes. "MELODY!" I scream with tears running down my face. This can't be happening, this can't be happening. "I'm ok guys!" I hear voice from
the roof exclaim. I look up and see one of Lucy's spirits I think? It's the clock one anyway and I'm guessing inside is Melody. "Oh thank god!" I say, wiping my tears away. Moments late she's back on the floor with us (with new clothing if I may add.) "White Fairy Scream!" She shouts, smacking Hades in the face with it. He's sent skidding but doesn't look harmed.

After 4 minutes, I'm the only one left standing, everyone else is on the floor. "I can tell your a strong Mage, so why don't you use your magic?!" He spits at me. I just shrug. "I don't wanna show it to you." I say. Then a bolt of lightning comes down revealing Laxus.

Hades and Laxus have been fighting for a while now. I'm still not gonna help, I can tell Laxus won't end the fight. I beat him, so he's not as strong as me. In the end I was right, Laxus DIDN'T win and was on the floor. Transferring his magic to Natsu.

Natsu also fought Hades, taking him down. I helped everyone up and we began to leave. Then we heard laughing. "I'm still here..." It purrs. We turn around to see Hades, still in tact, and ready to fight again. "Devils eye!" He shouts, revealing his right eye. It's blood red with what seems like no pupil.

Millions of monsters are surrounding him, the team feel petrified, I can tell. I don't however, I do own the gates to Hell. "ALRIGHT! YOU ASKED FOR IT!" I scream, stepping away from the group. I summon my White Angel body, what better way to fight evil with hope. My wings flap angrily at him, he had some nerve to get back up and threaten us again. He doesn't look shocked. "Transformation magic?" He asks, I shake my head. "Try Body Swap Magic! So no matter how much you injure this body, I can just turn into one of my other Angel forms." Now Hades looks shocked. "White Angel Light Ray!" I scream, demolishing the demons ahead of me."Hells swarm!" Hades shouts, a ray coming towards me, I just smirk and block it after turning invisible. "Where are you!" He shouts.

I smirk to myself and deliver a swift kick to the stomach, he coughs and stumbles back. I reappear "TIME TO END THIS HADES!" I shout at him, my hair whipping wildly around me. "WHITE ANGEL SACRED ART: GATES TO HEAVEN!" I shout, putting my arms in an 'X' above my head. He flies back, in turn hitting the wall and becomes unconscious.

I turn back to myself and smile to my guild mates. Slowly walking over to them and helping Lucy carry Natsu back to camp. Today has been tough.

Fairy Tail's Angel slayer Where stories live. Discover now