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Your P.O.V:
I'm floating. Going through a black hole that nobody can come back out of. I see my lifeless body on the floor. All my guild mates surrounding it and crying. Melody hugging on to it, threatening to never let go.

I slowly float away from the scene, back to the sky I sigh as what feels like a warm wave washes over me. I'm face to face with my younger self.

Memory 1:
"MUMMY! DADDY! Listen to this! A young me sits at the piano and starts playing Twinkle Twinkle little star. I sing along to it. God, my voice sounded amazing when I was younger. After I finished my parents hugged me, telling me I was their little angel...

Memory over~

"Why are you showing me this!" I shout into the sky. "I DON'T NEED TO RE-LIVE MY PAINFUL MEMORIES!" I begin crying but I receive another warm wave.

Memory 2:
"Mummy? Daddy?" I am stood in the middle of my old village. Staring at my old house. It's cracked right down the centre due to an earth quake. My Parents had been crushed by my Grand Piano, which once stood in my bedroom. "I'LL NEVER SING OR PLAY AGAIN!" My child version of me screamed as she looked down or her crushes parents bodies. "Mummy! You can't leave me! I have no magic! Please Mummy!"

Memory over~

I gasp at the memory. I haven't sung since. "Please..." I whisper. "No more memories. I just wanna go home."

"Y/n..." I hear Pascal, I immediately perk up. "Thank you for completing your mission." I smile then wait for what he has to say next. "As a reward, you are given life... However, the love that is held towards you is so much, we will have to put you and your friends asleep for 7 years." I shake my head, I don't wanna take away their future.

"I can't Pascal, that is selfish." I say solemnly. I feel Pascal smile down on me. "It's the only way they'll survive Y/n... Zeref is coming back to carry out what Achnologia should've done. If you don't hurry... You're friends will perish." I sigh, looking back at Tenrou from the sky.

"Forgive me my friends." I whisper.  "I accept your terms." I say, kind of professionally. "Very well..." Pascal says. "You'll all sleep for 7 years."

I smile down on my friends, perhaps we will see each other again after all.

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