Family to me, family to the guild

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Your P.O.V
It's been 2 days since Erza and I left for the job. I haven't been to the guild as we came straight back as soon as I woke up after I blacked out (10 minutes later) Melody moved in with me. I learned a lot about her. She's 8 years old going on 9 on Oct 17th. She hasn't learnt any magic, but I'll teach her some.

"You ready to meet everyone in the guild Melody?" I ask, clipping a butterfly pin into her braided hair. "You bet! But I'm a little nervous." She turns round to me and sits on the bed whilst I pull on her socks and shoes, which I bought yesterday. "You know Y/n..." She says. "I don't know why you bought me all these clothes, but you're very kind." She pets Eclipse contently and jumps down from the bed. "Thank you Melody!" I say. We leave my apartment and head to the guild. She slips her hand into mine and gives it a squeeze, like she's never letting go. I open the doors and everyone turns in their chairs to face me.

"Y/N!!" Natsu, Gray, Erza and Lucy scream. Running over to me, Melody shrinks back so I hold her close to me and put my hand out to stop them from bulldozing us. They stop infront of me and notice Melody. "Oh who's this?" Gray asks. Peeking around me. She hides behind me, burying her face in my top. "Everyone!" I say getting everyone's attention whilst picking up Melody. "Meet Melody! I met her on my last quest and now she's living with me! She came to join the guild." There's silence for a bit then everyone cheers. I put Melody down and smile to her. "Melody." I say. "This is my big family, I think you'll fit right in." She gasps and looks around smiling. I take her hand and we go over to Mira who already has the stamp ready. "Where and what colour Melody?" Melody turns and smiles to me. "Exactly the same as Y/n please." She says and Mira nods smiling.

Lucy's P.O.V:
That little girl is absolutely adorable! According to Erza, Y/n saved her and her Mum told Y/n whilst she was dying to take care of Melody. I could tell everyone in the guild already loved her with all the attention she was getting. She was so shy, keeping to Y/n's side the entire time. I have an idea! I wave Y/n over, she makes her way over with Melody. "Hi Melody! I'm Lucy." The girl looks up to me and smiles. "Wow you're really pretty!" She says. I blush she's such a sweetheart. "But not as pretty as Y/n and Erza!" She put on the end. I sweat dropped, but quickly recovered. "Wanna see something cool?" I ask. Melody nods in excitement. "Open, gate of the white Doggie! Nikola!" I announce. Plue appears waddling round and dancing Melody's face lights up and she hugs Plue.

"Yep!" I think to myself. "Melody will fit right in!"

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