Naval Battle

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Warning! One bad bit in this book, I'll tell you when. You have been warned.

Your POV
I woke up at 7:30 which was a first for me, I tend to well... sleep in till 1. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!" Mira and Melody squeals running over to me. "Ah! Thanks." I laugh, hugging them back. "Your present is participating in the preliminary round." Gajeel grins. "So don't let us down."

"I won't!" I laugh, then my face darkens. "Ok! Gajeel, Laxus and Jellal is he's here... GET OUT!" I scream. They all look at each other confused. "DONT BE PERVERTS!" I screech, indicating I'm gonna get changed. They all go beetroot red before heading out. I smirk at my handiwork and get changed into a simple white t-shirt with a picture of a knife on, ripped shorts, black converse and a flannel long sleeved top around my waist.

"Y/n! I swear tomorrow you're wearing my birthday present to you." Mira scalds. "I will if it isn't revealing." I sigh, tying my hair up (again if it's short leave it down.) Mira smiles almost too big before heading out the room. "Y/n! We will be late! Hurry up!" Melody says shortly. I grab a sleeping Eclipse and run out after them.

~time skip to stadium~

"Alright and now for the preliminary round!" The announcers screeches with excitement. I look over to all the guilds and see Yukino gone, so they did kick her out. I growl and clench my fist, I'll beat up the next Saber I come across. I meet two pairs of eyes, one was Sting, god it felt like he was a stalker and then there was Rufus I believe? He smiles at me, tilting his hat before turning to the arena.

"NAVAL BATTLE!" His voice echoes off the walls. "Stay in the water for the longest amount of time and your team wins! You've got to hit other guilds teams out. Last two standing have a chance, if they kick out the other person, the person defeated comes in not 2nd but LAST. This only applies for 5 minutes though."

"Ugh. Bikinis NO!" I groan, climbing into my black one which everyone says looks like Erza's, except mine has a skirt thing. "You'll be fine Y/n." Melody grins as I head into the centre and stand next to Lucy. "Good Luck!" I cheer, making her jump. "AH! Oh it's you Y/n! Yeh! You too." I feel like all eyes are on me. I look to my guild and see Natsu and Gray cheering us on with Erza but at the same time, they're death glaring Rufus and Sting, who have... nosebleeds?

"Alright! All contestants in the water sphere!" I jump in, knowing my plan of action. "Ahh! Fairy Scum." I hear a female voice taunt. I turn to see supposedly Yukino's replacement. She has long black hair and A LOT of makeup. I give her a nod of acknowledgement, not wanting to make enemies. "Alright battle begin!" The announcer states.

"Heaven's invisibility!" I scream, turning myself invisible, I watch everyone else take each other on. "Open, gate of the Water Bearer, AQUARIUS!" Lucy yells, her mermaid spirit now before us. Her spirit protects her whilst Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale and Mermaid Heal attack each other, Quattro Puppy are already out.

In the end, the only ones left are Sabertooth, Lucy and myself. "If I can't find the other Fairy I'll just make do with this one." The Tiger states, attacking Lucy like a punching bag. I can't bare to watch, but Lucy is kinda against me in this match. I look through my hands that were covering my eyes. Lucy is out cold, but instead of Minerva hitting her out, she keeps attacking.

I feel my blood boil. 'Stay calm Y/n. Lucy will be ok. You don't wanna hurt anyone badly do you and.." I hear Minerva still hitting Lucy. That was the last straw. "I beg of thee call upon my third body of the holy angels. Turn my heart to pure light and my soul to pure darkness, Give me the power to wield an Angels magic. Black angel transformation!"

My invisibility spell is off, and I float before Minerva in my angel form. My red eyes must scare the hell out of her, as she lets go of Lucy and let's her float, still in the water. "Angels Anatomy!" I scream, rage dancing in my head. "AAAHH!" I hear Minerva cry out in pain, clutching her body. "Black Angel's rage!" I scream, hitting her straight out the water. She flies back, hitting Sabertooth's stand before crumpling to the floor. "The Five Minute count down begins!"

'Shoot! I forgot about that." I scream at myself inside my head, I leave Lucy be at the bottom of the sphere and turn invisible again, everyone shouting at me to hit Lucy out. I wait 5 minutes, I don't care what other people think. Then when 5 minutes is up, I gently push Lucy out the sphere so my team wins. "FAIRY TAIL B WINS!" The announcer shouts, cheers erupting around the stadium.

I fly out the sphere to Lucy and pick her up, ready to walk out the stadium. My hands tingle, healing Lucy bit by bit. Sabertooth march up to us, Minerva looking a bit injured but fine. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Minerva screams, shoving me. I calmly place Lucy in Wendy's care and turn back to the accusers. "It's called fighting. Maybe you've heard of it?" I smirk to myself. "Gah! You Fairy Tail idiots are annoying as hell!" She rages. (BAD BIT NOW!) "Look I'm not a cactus expert, but I know a prick when I see one." I comment.

Minerva lunges at me, and I dodge. Sting pulls her up and she hits him off. "YOU BETTER NOT GET IN MY OR ANYONE IN OUR GUILDS WAY!" She says threateningly. "Look Y/n, you're really pretty, but we're gonna have to smash that hot face of yours." Sting smirks confidently. "Thanks for the compliments, but you're not getting anywhere near me. I'll thrash you." I say, matter of factly. "See you later beautiful." Rufus says, taking his hat off again and winking at me.

Rogue's POV:
"Nice girlfriend you have there Sting." Orga comments, looking at Y/n and smirking. Sting punches him in the jaw. "That's for staring at her AND making that comment." He angrily protests. "She is quite exquisite! You better get her before I try to." Rufus says slyly. "Yeh, me too!" Orga says competitively.

"Don't underestimate me either guys." I say, rather loudly. I get glares from Natsu, he knows exactly what we are talking about. He slings his shoulder around Y/n who's talking to Master and sticks his tongue out at us. Sting looks ticked and is about to jump off our balcony to attack him. I hold him

"I wouldn't Sting, save you're energy, plus there's no reason for you to fight over my future girlfriend." Sting punches me in the gut and slumps over the railings of our stand.

Hi! Told you update would be today! Hope you enjoyed! Make sure to check out my SABER TAIL HIGH X READER book and my NEW CELESTIAL SPIRIT!

Baii <3

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