Grand Magic Games?

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Your P.O.V:

"Well I think we should!" Romeo's voice declared from the opposite side of the guild hall. "We should what?" Melody asked, getting up and going over to him. "Enter the Grand Magic Gam-" he's cut off by his Dad putting s hand over his mouth.

"What's that?" Natsu asked, stopping his fight with Gray to enter the conversation. Romeo breaks free of his father's grip. "It's where guilds all across Fiore compete for dominance to be Fiore's number one!" Natsu grinned, looking over to Gramps. "Please?!" Natsu, Melody and Romeo ask him in unison.

"What's in it for us?" Gramps asks, eyeing the young boy. "About 30,000,000 Jewel." Romeo says shrugging. Gramps jumps up from sitting on the bar. "Listen up brats! We are going to the Grand Magic Games! It's in... 3 months!" He says, eyeing the article for it that Mira was helpfully holding up.

"Now go train! We need to be number one once again!" We all cheer and stampede out of the hall. "Hey Romeo. How's number one now?" I ask panting as we ran. "Sabertooth." He says frowning. I nod, wasn't that the guild Sting and Rogue are from? *shudder*. "Hey Y/n! Team Natsu and Shadowgear are going to the beach! Wanna join?" Erza shouts, her cases already magically packed.

"Yeh! Sure! Let me get my stuff packed then we can go." I say, seizing Melody by the hand and running back to my house.

~after packing~

"Okay let's go!" Lucy smiles, ushering for us to get in the carriage. "No! Not the moving death trap!" Natsu cries out, grabbing hold of anything to stop Erza dragging him onto it. "C'mon Natsu! Melody knows strong healing magic, she can help you!" I say encouragingly. He then smiles and gets on no bother.

~1 hour later~

"So- where's that healing spell?" Natsu asks, nearly throwing up on Gray. "Oh she doesn't have one yet!" I say cheerfully. "So you- lied!?" He screams, putting his hand over his mouth. Erza punches him, knocking him out. "That'll do the trick right?" She asks, patting him on the back. I laugh and turn to look out the window.

I'd only been looking out or about 10 minutes when the train stopped. "We are here guys!" Juvia calls from the seats behind us. "Let's go! Lucy your carrying Natsu!" Erza orders, getting off the train with her luggage. "Why me?!" Lucy whines, picking up the dragon slayer. "Ugh! I don't wanna get up! It's too much effort." I groan, stretching my legs. After a lot of  persuading from Melody, I hit the floor.

We begin to walk to the beach, which is about 4 miles. At the start I was doing good, but I get tired really quickly after being on transport. So after 2 miles I begin to whine like a child. "Can someone carry me?!" I whine, trudging along. "Cmon Y/n your already half way!" Erza says, looking at the map in her left hand. "But I'm sleepy, and I'm using my magic around Melody and Wendy so they don't have to walk!" I groan. My magic carries anything BUT myself.

"Use your wings." Juvia says, hugging Gray's arm. I look up at her sadly. "But I'm too tired to do that!" I grumble. After 2 more minutes of whining I eventually get my help. "I'll give you a piggy back if you want Y/n!" Gray says, smiling sheepishly. Juvia stares daggers at me. "Yes please, best FRIEND." I emphasise the friend. I climb onto Gray's back and suddenly we are back to a quick walking pace, as I'm not slowing anyone down.

After another mile I feel Gray beginning to slow. Though I was about to fall asleep, I wanted what's best for him, so I jumped off without warning. Gray insists he's fine but I dismiss him. "I'll carry you Y/n!" Natsu says, running over to me. "You sure?" I ask and he nods in reply. So I climb on his back and he begins to run. I feel the wind blow through my hair as I drift off into a deep sleep.


"Y/n! Wake up!" I hear Erza's voice say. I snap my eyes awake to take in the room around me. A typical hotel room. "I hope you don't mind! The rooms are: me, Eclipse and you, Natsu, Happy and Gray, Jet and Droy, Levy and Lucy and Carla, Wendy and Melody." Erza says, rubbing on sun lotion. I shake my head. "No, no problem." I say, applying sun lotion on Eclipse. She purrs then leaves to find Melody.

I slip on my f/c bikini with white roses on and a dress to go over it and head to the beach. I see Gray and Natsu having lots of contests and Levy, Lucy, Wendy and Melody playing a sort of volleyball game. Then there's Juvia, wearing her normal clothes with an umbrella over her. I walk over to her and sit down next to her. "So you gonna go swimming?" I ask.

"I'll only get changed for Gray~Sama to see my bikini." I swear drop them nod, heading over to a sun bathing Erza. "Want me to get you a strawberry smoothie?" I ask. She looks up at me. "Mmhmm." She hummed. I head over to the tiki bar whilst everyone else has begun fighting. "You're guild is paying for the damage you know." The bar tender said, I gulped and nodded.

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