Battle of Fairy Tail

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Your P.O.V :
Rushing to the guild, I entered myself in the contest. My face dropped when I saw Mira's name. "I got this." I reassured myself.  I rushed behind the curtain and mentally prepared myself by doing dancing and being graceful and everything I'm not. Then I realise, I could show my magic! My magic could help me win as only Gajeel knows I have magic power now.

"Welcome to Miss Fairy Tail contest!" A voice boomed over the loud speaker. "Today we will see which one of these beauties will be the Miss Fairy Tail! First up is... Cana Alberona!" (Sorry if I spelt it wrong) After that the names just went by like a blur. I only watched Erza's and Lucy's performance.

"And now welcome to the stage, she's been gone for 3 years... Miss Y/N L/N!!" I walked onto the stage to be blinded by the lights around me. "Let's see Y/n show strut her stuff!" I was about to transform into my dark angel form when a woman in green walked on. And I could taste the prize money already.

"I declare myself the winner!" She shouted. "What?!" I shout exasperated. "I'm sorry." She said, turning to face me whilst pulling we glasses down, "What's your name again?" I was about to tell her when Gray shouted. "Y/n don't look into her eyes!" I looked away end then slowly fell to the crouched to the floor waiting for silence. And at this moment, I could feel my magic swirling around me, urging me to fight but all I heard was Laxus saying,"Let the Battle of Fairy Tail begin!"

~flash back~

"Get out your cage scum! The master wants to see you for something extremely important." One of the guards said, a malicious smile on his face. I slowly get up and collapse due to no food or drink. The guard groans and picks me up by my hair, causing me to scream.

"If you can scream, you can walk, SO GET GOING!" He says in my ear. He shoves me through the door where a guard grabs me by my neck and marches me to the Master's office. "Knock." The guard says, so I do, but timidly.

"ENTER!" A grand voice shouted, so I did, shaking. "Ah well if it isn't the fairy scum." Tears well up in my eyes at the thought of my friends at home. "Speak child." He orders. I look up at him in his eyes are cold like stones. "Y-yes S-s-sir." I say quietly, and he laughs, hitting me in my stomach so I go flying into the wall.

"I love it when kids are scared of me!" He chortles. I slowly stand up, wincing at the pain in my right ankle. "Do you know why I've called you here child?" A kind voice asks. I realise the person who hit me wasn't the master, it was one of his guards.

I shake my head.

"You're here girl because the Angels have looked down on you with kindness. You're getting a new cell." I smile great fully, finally something good is happening.

"But that's doesn't mean we're setting you free in 10 years oh no. Quite the opposite actually. You're going to stay here FOREVER..."

Fairy Tail's Angel slayer Where stories live. Discover now