Slayer Fight Pt. 2

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HII! Is this a chapter or not? :P
Word count: 971

Joking this is actually a chapter (:

Your POV:

I took the two hits as they darted back and began raining attacks on me like  they were a violent storm. I crossed my Katanas in front of me and took the many hits, my feet moving back slightly, digging up rubble. Whilst they were catching their breath, I swiftly checked my katanas. Clean and un-dented. I smirk to myself.

"I thought you guys were the 'Amazing Twin Dragons of Sabertooth!'" I mock, doing the quotation marks with my hands, still holding the katanas. "We're going easy on you!" Sting retorts angrily, wiping sweat of his forehead. "Indeed." Rogue agrees. I sweatdrop. "Geez I know my face is stunning but you don't need to worry about making it ugly!"

"Suit yourself Y/n~ Chan!" Sting coos, turning on his 'White Drive.' Rogue copies. "GET EM' Y/N!" I hear Gray cheer from the stands, making me grin. "White Dragon Roar!" Sting attacks, I manage to block it by kicking it to the side, wincing a tiny bit due to impact. I deliver a swift jab into his stomach making him cough up saliva. Then Rogue comes in, trying to hit me with an assortment of Shadow Dragon moves.

I block them all with my katana and fake yawn. "Guys, as much as I'm enjoying this... it's getting boring." I tell them teasingly. "Y/n let me out!!" I hear Natsu shout in the background. "Oh right you're still here." I say bluntly. I feel everyone in the crowd sweat drop. "Right right I'll let you out in exactly... 10 minutes ok Natsu?" I tell him calmly.

He sulks and sits down with his legs crossed. I check my katanas again, and this time there is a huge dent in my left one. "Oh! Would you look at that! You guys actually managed to dint it! I guess I'll -" I put my katanas away. "White Dragon Holy Nova!" Sting shouts, a ray of light plummeting towards me. I hold out my hand, taking the attack as it pushes me back, into the wall. I'm not severely injured.

"Is she knocked out?" I hear Rogue ask, the smoke covering my form. "Well that was extremely rude!" I shout through the dust. "You shouldn't interrupt people." I mumble, walking towards them. "It really annoys me when people do that." I mutter darkly, wiping away a tad of blood from a rock cutting me.

"Alright! I'll put all my effort in!" I shout over to the twin Dragons, holding my hands up in defeat. "I beg of thee call upon my fourth body of the holy angels. Turn my heart to pure light and my soul to hope. Give me the power to wield an Angels magic. Fairy Tail angel transformation!" My pink wings spread, and I look at them menacingly.

"Oh I thought you were something interesting. But you're just the opposite to Mirajane." I snort at Sting's comment. "Fairy Tail Angel's rage!" I scream, different attacks swirling around the Dragon Slayers as they look at me confused. "GO!" I shriek. I hear cries of pain from the boys making my wince. I hate hurting others for sport. They slowly get back up, wiping blood from their forms.

"I-is that all you've got?!" They shout at the same time. "No, I was holding back a lot." I admit, shrugging. Then I face palm. "Right Natsu, you can fight now!" I remove my barriers and Natsu immediately tackles me. "Y/n I was waiting in there FOREVER! HOW DARE YOU?!" He begins to tickle me and tears of laughter stream down my face. "O-k ahaha I- hah I'm sorry!" I apologise. He stops, getting off me.

He darts towards the Dragon Slayers. "FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!" He shouts, slamming Rogue in the face. "Fairy Tail Angel's SHRIEK!" I shriek, hitting Sting who was about to hit Natsu. "Shadow Dragon Roar!" Rogue shouts, trying to hit Natsu and I with the same move. I gracefully dodge by flying around it. "Fairy Tail Angel's Slash!" I scream, a Sakura decorated slash move hitting Rogue in the stomach.

"Now Sting!" Rogue shouts raising his right arm. "Yeh!" Sting cheers holding his left arm. "What are they doing?" Natsu whispers. "God you're stupid! Unison raid!" He ignores my insult. "Shall we do ours?" He asks, holding his hand out. "Course!" I hold out my left arm. "FAIRY TAIL'S..." we begin. "LIGHT SHADOWS..." the twin dragons begin.

"SWIRLING ANGEL'S FLAMING LOTUS!" Natsu and I shout throwing it towards the enemy.

"CRUSHING FANG!" The enemy shouts, sounding desperate. The attacks clash in the middle, causing a huge explosion. I let go of Natsu and dart forward, slicing through the attack and hitting the blonde haired and raven haired boy. They groan in pain, stumbling back. "I think I should finish you quickly so you're in no more pain...Fairy Tail Angel's Sacred art: GATE TO FAIRY TAIL!" I scream. The gate opening and all our guild mates' shadows rushing out.

"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!" Natsu adds on, sending the opposing duo flying backwards and crashing into the wall. "Unbelievable! Sabertooth's twins are defeated! Victory to Fairy Tail!" Natsu roars with happiness and I scream with joy, doing the Fairy Tail sign. Natsu hugs me, both us jumping up and down laughing.

"That concludes today's matches. Tomorrow is rest day, and as the competition for that... we are having a singing contest! So bring your best voices!" My blood turns cold as I hear sing, remembering the promise I made when I was younger. I will have to break it, forgetting my parents...

An~ Welp! I hope it was to your liking! See you next time and THANK YOU! Baii <3 ~

Fairy Tail's Angel slayer Where stories live. Discover now