The Hungry Wolf Knights

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Be proud of me children, I UPDATED! :3 I feel accomplished aha. Baii <3

Your POV:
It is all a daze, gray/black clouds covering my vision as I felt someone help me sit up. As my hair brushed past my cheek as I looked down, a hand curled around my back and under my legs, picking me up. My head hung back as they stood fully up.

"Let's go back to Gramps then." the person carrying me said calmly. He took a few steps before my vision focused. "What's going-" I suddenly felt the supporting hands dip as we were airborne, my hair whipping up above me. I curled my arms around his neck before he made a sturdy landing, scrunching my eyes shut.

"Hey Y/n, you ok?" It was Natsu, he looked down at me giving me a small smile that had anger hidden behind it. "Yeh just glad I didn't land like Lucy." I said, pointing to the blonde who was squashed by the rest of the gang. Natsu grins, extending a hand for me to take. Smiling as I take it, I brush myself off once up.

Upon hearing a voice in the darkness my eyes widened. Natsu put his arm in front of me and growled, lighting his fist up, Lucy hiding behind me. The darkness revealed 5 people, two females and 3 males. The pink haired girl looked adorable, well in my opinion anyways. "Who are you!?" Lily asked, to be honest, I only just realised he was with us.

"The Hungry Wolf Knights (correct me if i'm wrong)." A male with a mask over his mouth said. Suddenly, they declared war and we were split into groups. I was with Wendy against the cute pink haired flower girl. "Sky Dragon Wing Attack!" Wendy shouted as the pink haired female smiled. "Plants!" she simply ordered, her hand waving up.

They circled round the Sky Dragon Slayer, apparently sucking the life out of her. 'Just don't use magic, kick her or somethin' I thought, running towards her. I aim for her stomach, but a vine came in front, blocking my kick. "You l-like flowers too?" the girl asked from under her fringe, indicating to my flower crown.

"Uh yeh, I adore them." I say smiling, but not letting my guard down. "Where did you get that? I want one!" She squeals, meanwhile Wendy had broken free of her hold. "Uh there's a shop on main street." I grin as Wendy comes from behind her. "SKY DRAGON ROAR!" the pink plant girl screams as she hits the wall. "Y/n, I got this, go help Natsu."

I look at her shocked, then realising she wants to prove her worth. "Alright, don't get hurt badly kay?" I then run off to Natsu who has just narrowly dodged a shruinken. "White Angels Slash!" I shriek, hitting him so he stumbled backwards. "Bit-" he's cut off by Natsu's flame dragon roar.

"Y/n, who says I want help? Find your own!" Natsu mocks, smirking at me. "THERES ONLY FIVE!" I shout at him, dodging an attack. "Go help Mira then?!" he demands, punching the guy. "Ok Ok i can tell when Im not wanted." I groan, walking over to Mira as gas fills the air. "Hey Mira!" I grin through the green fog. "Oh hey Y/n, let me guess, you purify toxins?" she asks, beginning to transform.

"Aha yup, how about a devil and an angel team up?" I ask all buddy like. "Yeh why not." I begin to mold into my Black Angel form, flying towards the opposing female to punch her. She dodges but Mira kicks her in the back. "Black Angel's FURY!" I scream, throwing my shadow ball at her, her screams of pain filling my ears.

"Solar Extinction!" Mira says montonely. The card maiden collapses. "She should be thankful we don't kill." I say, landing daintily on the floor. Mira nods before delivering a kick to her side making her roll along the ground and hit the rest of her defeated comrades. "Y/n, we NEEDED YOU!" Lucy whines angrily, putting her keys away.

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