New Fairy Tail

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Your POV:
After talking to Master,I decided to head to the infirmary to check on Lucy. She seemed in pretty bad shape after our previous battle. "Be careful ok Y/n?" Erza shouted after me. I turned back to her. "Careful of what? I'm only going to the infirmary!" I chuckle.

On my way, I thought I heard footsteps behind me, and out of instinct turned around. When I discovered nobody was there I carried on, immediately smacking into someone. "I am really sorry!" I apologise, picking up my flower crown (yes you've been wearing it everyday XD) off the floor before turning to the victim.

"Oh! Uh it's ok." A man I recognise as Rufus says. "Where you heading to Y/n?" He asks, tipping the hat on his head. "I'm heading over to see Lucy!" I grin. "She seemed in pretty bad shape thanks to Minerva." He nods, his eyes showing regret. "I have no memory of her going that far to hurt someone." I nod, but then smile. "I guess she has her reasons." He smiles again at me.

"So uh Y/n... I was wondering if-" he is cut off by the Twin dragon slayers joining us. "Oh hi Y/n!" Sting greets, I give him a small smile. "Hi guys!" I then look to Rufus and bow. "Sorry for bumping into you but I best be on my way! Bye!" I walk off and feel them all stare at the back of my head. I finally get to the infirmary and knock before pushing open the door.

Natsu, Gray and Master were already present. "Hi! I just wanted to check on Lucy." I greet, closing the door carefully behind me. "Hi Y/n! Yeh I'm ok. Thanks to you though. I would be in a much worse state if you hadn't of stepped in. I blush at the compliment. "Anyone would've done it and-" I slowly turned and scowled at Natsu, who had taken my flower crown and was wearing it.

"Give it back right NOW!" I hiss, clenching my fists. "Never!" He laughs, posing with it on. "Either you're stupid or you have a death wish!" I insult, snatching it off his head and placing it primly on my own. He pouts before turning to Master. "Due to some Raven Tail antics which you missed Y/n, we need to make just ONE Fairy Tail team." I look at him in concentration.

"Ok." I say, urging for him to continue. "As we would like to win, I need my strongest members." He continues. "So on my team please can I have: Natsu, Gray, Erza, Laxus and Y/n." I jump up for joy, knocking over a chair with my feet. "You won't regret that decision Master!" I smile, eager to begin with our new and improved team.

"Get Erza and Laxus down at the arena opening for Fairy Tail for you're big reveal." Master instructs, I salute him jokingly and run towards the door. "Get well soon Lucy! Byee." I say, already half way down the hall. I smack into yet another person, but this time, at full speed. "Oi! Short stuff! Watch where you're going!" Gajeel chuckles, picking me up off the floor.

"Ha ha sorry! I just need to rally our new Fairy Tail team!" I smile, his face turns keen. "Am I part of it?!" He asks, evidence of excitement clear in his voice. "Uh, No, sorry..." I say sheepishly, scratching the back of my neck in guilt. He shrugs, obviously upset and walks away. I look after him pitifully and run towards Laxus and Erza.

"Guys guys guys!" I shout behind them, they turn around looking bewildered. "Y/n! What's happened." Erza asks, rushing over to me. "Are you hurt?" Laxus asks, cupping my cheeks and checking all over my face. I shove him off. "No! You guys are in the new Fairy Tail team, we need to meet in the entrance of the arena now. Like right now!" Laxus and Erza raise their eyebrows, but follow me,

Erza looking at me suspiciously before looking to my flower crown. "Everyday? Really Y/n?"

"You wear the same armour everyday and I say nothing!" I pout like a child.

Natsu and Gray are already there. "Ok." I breathe, taking my place next to Erza and Gray. "Y/n you need to be in between Gray and Natsu, so they don't fight." Erza instructs. I puff out my cheeks. "Don't wanna." I pout like a kid. "Now Y/n." She says, sounding slightly irritated. "Alright alright." I hold up my hands in defeat and take my new spot. "And now to meet the new Fairy Tail!!" The announcer booms.

We walk in and stand in a line, everyone cheering so loudly that I bet heaven could hear it. We stay in the centre with the other guilds and mingle until the matches are announced. "Ah! Y/n!" Kagura walks over to me. I smile, not knowing what to do or say. I have never spoken to her in my life. "Who is the blue haired boy in you're guild?" She asks, like a interrogator. "Mystogan." I reply shrugging.

"Really? He looks like Jellal." She states simply. "That's because he's the Edolas version of Jellal, trust me they're two COMPLETELY different people." I say, her eyes widen at this. "Ah I see, thank you for you're time." I smile at her before feeling a sharp tap on my shoulder. "Hey Y/n! I couldn't believe you made it on this team with Gray, Erza, Laxus and myself. You're like the weakest out of us." Natsu comments annoyingly.

"Shut up." I sat through gritted teeth. "You being annoying, is it you're hobby or you're personality." I say, smirking he lets his mouth hang open. "That was rude!" He whines like a kid.


"LAMIA SCALES' LYON VASTIA AND JUGA VS KAGURA MIKAZUCHI AND MILIANNA!" I look across at Lyon who's looking at me, smiling. 'Creepy.' I say in my head.





Y/N L/N!"

The crowd erupts in cheers at my name, making me go red. "Ok Y/n! Let's get em'" Natsu grins like a maniac. Sting and Rogue walk over. "Looks like we'll get to see your magic after all Y/n." Rogue comments. "You're going down Fairy Tail scum." Sting says cockily. "Why does everyone call us trash or scum?!" I whine. All the guilds turn to me and laugh. I grin before rushing off to our stand to watch the double matches.

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