We're Back!!

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A/n~ Heyy! I just wanna thank @Lily227573 for helping me come up with something after the Oracion Seis arc... AN OVA!! <3 Thank you!

Your P.O.V:
"We're BACK!" Natsu yelled, kicking down the door in the process. Melody squealed and ran into my open arms. "Y/n! My Y/n! I missed you so much!" Tears of joy streamed down her face wetting my t-shirt. "Heyy Melody!" I said ruffling her hair. "I missed you so much too." Erza smiles as Melody gives her a hug too. "Heyy Y/n!" Mira smiles looking a tad worried. I look at her suspiciously and she gives me a fake smile. "Mira! What happened!?" I ask her, annoyed. Mira took a deep breath.

"WellIwenttothepotionstoreforanagingpotionanditrippedandspiltitonMelodyandsheaged4years!!" She panted after saying that. "WHAT? FOUR YEARS?" Melody looked at me smiling. "Isn't that cool?" She asked. "I'll be 13 on my birthday!" I smile at her then scowl at Mira. She then smiles. "I got this potion to reduce her age when she's 20 so she'll be 16 again!" I smile at this. Melody even grew with the potion so I get to go shopping again! YAY! Mira didn't really take anything away from Melody.

Wendy's P.O.V:
Y/n~San is talking to a girl that looks about my age, she has long purple hair and she looks really nice. The only difference between me and her is that, well she has, a chest. A lot more than I do! I pout at this. "Oh!" I hear Y/n~San say. She pulls the Purple haired girl over. "Wendy! This is Melody! She's exactly the same age as you!" Y/n says smiling. "Maybe you guys can be friends?" Melody closes her eyes and gives me a warm smile.

"Welcome to the family Wendy!" She says warmly.
I smile and immediately embrace her in a warm hug. I've never had a friend my age before!

Melody's P.O.V:
Wendy seems really nice! Especially when she gave me a hug! I have a feeling we'll be amazing friends. It's nice to have a girl my age at the guild!

Melody's and Wendy's friendship!

Your P.O.V:
Melody and Wendy already seem like Best Friends. Carla definitely approves of their friendship. After about 5 minutes Melody comes running up to me, a happy look on her face. "Hey Y/n? Can I show Wendy round Magnolia and then go to the Theme Park?" She smiles sweetly. "Okay! But don't do anything stupid!" I give her about 50,000 j and they both leave giggling.

"Hey Flame Brain, Erza, Snowman and Lucy!" I say in a whisper/shout. "I wanna spy on them both to make sure nothing bad happens, who's in?" Erza nods in approval and so does Natsu, whilst Gray and Lucy shake their heads. "You should trust Melody, Y/n." Lucy says making a face. "And if she found out she would think you don't trust her!" Gray added.

But by then we were already at the Guild doors, gone.
"Erza! Put this wig on and Requip into your jogging gear. So you can follow them round! Natsu drink this!" Natsu shrinks to a four year old's size. "Ok!" I whisper. "Now announce your going to the theme park so they aren't suspicious." Erza grunts at taking orders but does as she's told.

"So, Nats--Nate would you like to go to the theme park?" Erza asks from behind Melody awkwardly. "No! I get motion sick-- sickness on the teacups but everything else is good!" I face palm, their acting is terrible! So much for my big plan.

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