New allie

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Day Three:
Your POV:
"Go Melody!" I cheer from the stands. She's better now, and willing to fight for her team. "Go Erza!" I shout. She waves at me before turning to the announcer.

"Alright! Welcome! We will draw these magic straws which decide your turn. There are 100 monsters in this tower. You will each go into the tower and take down however many monsters you want. The person who defeats the most wins!" All the participating people nod and draw straws.

"Up first... ERZA SCARLET!" She nods and steps forward. "I challenge 100 monsters." She says defiantly. The pumpkin looks shocked. "Um I don't think-" he's cut off by Erza already up the ramp and into the tower.

"I am Erza Scarlet of Fairy Tail A. And I challenge 100!" Erza announces. Instantly, monsters appear and charge towards her. "Requip! Heavens Wheel! Dance my swords!" I smirk, she's testing them, seeing their different weaknesses. She then requips into Black Wing armour and attacks 2 monsters, taking them down with one hit.

Time skip to S-class beast~

"COME ON ERZA! HE HAS NOTHING ON YOU!" I cheer jumping up and down, waving my hands in the air. "I BELIEVE IN YOU!" I keep chanting. I see Sting and Rogue stare at me like I'm crazy. 'CHEER FOR HER RIGHT NOW!' I telepath them. "Go Erza." I hear Sting say sarcastically, waving his hands up and down. She cuts it down and appears back in the arena.

I jump down and run in to hug her. "ERZA WELL DONE!" I squeal. She laughs hugging me back as we are crushed by the others. "Relax. We haven't won the games just yet." We all laugh. "It took longer than expected though." I grin before walking back. "Oh and Y/n! I know you aren't coming to the bar tonight so Happy Birthday for tomorrow!" Erza smiles.

I cry with happiness when Melody uses Fairy Glitter and wins, turns out Master Mavis was teaching her in her spare time.

I grin doing the Fairy Tail sign. We all watch Millianna defeat Semme and a few other amazing matches, like Kagura vs Yukino. I cheered for both because I hate picking sides. In the end, Kagura won. I jump down to the arena, all my guild mates calling my name, the Sabertooth team look shocked.

"It's ok. You tried your hardest." I grin holding out a hand to her, she takes it managing a small smile. "C'mon I'll take you to our infirmary seen as you guys don't have one." I pull her right arm over my shoulder and we walk off. "And Y/n L/n of Fairy Tail B helps Yukino Agria of Sabertooth! What an outstanding act of kindness!" The announcer booms.

"So where are you injured?" I ask, sitting her down in the bed closest to the window. "Uh.." she says shyly, she ducks her head. "It's ok! We're all friends here! Just tell me." She looks up and smiles. "My left arm and my stomach." She says. I smile warmly before holding out my hand, indicating for her to give me her arm.

She goes red with embarrassment and holds out her arm. I see a deep gash with a bit of blood, it's nearly touching the bone. "Uh here. Heavens relief." My hands glitter silver, making her skin close together. She looks in surprise then out of the blue hugs me. "You're so kind! Nobody in our guild is like this." She exclaims.

I heal all her wounds and stay with her for the rest of the time. We talk amiably and she tells me about her guild. How it's got a strict Master and they all have to follow his rules exactly. She tells me that she dreamed of getting in that guild ever since she was small though. I smile at her (god you smile a lot reader~chan XD) but her face turns into a frown.

"I'll probably be kicked out." She says sadly. I look at her, exasperated. "Wha?!" I ask angrily. Tears spill out of her eyes. "Master won't allow this. My guild mark will be great be gone tomorrow." I put a comforting arm around her. "You'll be ok! And if they do anything to hurt you... I'll knock em into tomorrow." She laughs a bit before crying again.

"What's your magic Y/n?" She asks quietly. I sigh, crossing my legs on the chair. "Um you'll see tomorrow, my team let me do preliminary tomorrow as Gajeel did yesterday and Melody did today." Yukino smiles. "I'll look forward to it, my guild sense strong magic power from you." I blush at her compliment. "Ha I wouldn't say strong but-" I'm immediately cut off by Yukino. She raises an eyebrow.

"You killed Achnoligia." She says, grunting. "Wha?! How did you know?!" I ask flabbergasted. "My spirits hear it from Lucy's. Apparently you did it easily and lived but the last move caught you off guard." I nod, confirming it. "Yeh thats true." I smile weakly. "YOU ARE STRONG THEN." She grins.

Sting and Rogue storm in. "Master requests Yukino's presence right now." Sting says cockily. I stand up, curling my hand into a fist. "Tell him to-" I'm cut short, Yukino places a hand on my shoulder. "It'll be ok!" She smiles. "I know where you are if I need you." I unclench my fist and give her a hug. "Remember if he hurts you I'll-" I threaten. "Yeh yeh! Kick him into tomorrow." I wave her off.

Sabertooth doesn't deserve Yukino

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