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Your P.O.V:
I ran back to the guild to check out if Evergreen had done as I commanded. Sure enough all the girls were back to normal. Lucy and Erza had already gone in search for Laxus, Natsu and Gajeel apparently left with them. I assured Master everything was under control before leaving once more, but this time I was seeking for Laxus. The one who started all this mess in the first place.

I asked Eclipse to use her nose to find Laxus as it seemed like the only logical thing to do if you don't know where somebody is. I walk down all the side paths to lessen the likely hood of bumping into an enemy. Eclipse's nose leads us to Magnolia Cathedral. It's spire was so tall I bet you could see for miles around. But this is not a time for day dreaming is it?

Erza's P.O.V:
Laxus is too strong. I feel like it is suicide to fight him but I must for my Guild's sake, for all my friends. I had to Requip into my Lightning Empress armour but I was still taking a lot of damage.

I was dodging all his attacks but it was really tiring and eventually he caught me out and I hit one of the pillars. Natsu and Gajeel ran in but it was difficult to warn them of Laxus' strength as I was dazed and felt like jelly. I was about to give up when I felt a warm tingly sensation on my stomach. Y/n was standing above me smiling and Eclipse was healing my severely injured body. I was saved.

Your P.O.V :
Laxus had gone overboard nobody could stop him. After Erza was healed she said a simple,"thanks!" Then ran off to destroy Freed's traps and Laxus tricks (hehe see what I did there ;) no? Ok sorry) I wanted to help but I knew Natsu wanted to do this himself and he didn't need me to butt in. He was coping (I think) and I felt useless as I watched and saw him and Gajeel take the hits and try to fight back.

They're roars weren't very affective but I stood in the background, perhaps seen as a reinforcement I guess? Laxus glances over my way. "Ah Y/n! I heard you came back... Alive." He smirks then unleashes lighting heading my way. I realise dodging is pointless and stand there ready to take the hit, scrunching my eyes shut...but it never comes.

When I open my eyes, I see Gajeel in front of me using his iron to conduct the electricity. I smile at him, remembering him calling us great friends. He smirks back before attacking again. I lean down and touch the floor. "Heavens help me enhance Gajeel's power and speed by 50% for 5 minutes. "

Gajeel glows a dull grey before smiling in realisation. "Thanks Angel Slayer!" He snorts as he punches Laxus in the jaw. I grin and crouch down next to Eclipse. "That won't be enough you know Y/n. They won't win, I saw it in the future. It's up to you." Eclipse murmurs. I clench my fist and look serious. "I will take on that responsibility!" I say, glaring at the Laxus.

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