Chapter 2 HIEUIME (How I ended up in Middle Earth)

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Recently we left off with Frodo's part. He just learned about the existence of a mortal girl that fell from the heavens. He is yearning to learn about her, but must get ready for the party which she will be attending. Merry, pippin and Sam are handing out pieces of gum which Alice had in her coat pocket. The processed food makes them grow. Now back to Alice. Just kicked out of her hobbit hole after changing.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ALICE GRAHAM

I stared at the hoard of hobbits walking about. I didn't notice a single one. I turned back and tried to open the door. Locked. Jeez Gandalf...
"Look who its is! Merry, it her." I heard Pippin behind me. Maybe Merry and him could help me. I stopped. They would be annoying. Trying to call dibs on me. But there was no one else. 
"Hi guys! Listen.....I don't know anyone or anything here. Except for you guys. Cold me around?" I asked them. Merry and Pippin both smiled wide and gave each other a mischievous look. 
"Of course, we would love to. But under two conditions: One; what's your name?" Merry said as he circled me. As if watching me like a hawk. Looking me up and down. 
"My name is Alice Graham. I am from Scotland. Now what's the second condition?" I asked them. 
"You've got to be able to keep up with us if you want to learn about our ways. What do you think...Alice." Pippin spoke with his thick accent. Same as mine. I almost melted. But I corrected myself. 
"What do you mean by that? Keep up. Sure I can keep up with you guys. How hard can it be?" I asked. But both Merry and Pippin took off through the crowds of people. "You've got to be kidding me." I said to myself. I hiked up my skirt and ran after the two hobbits. They easily stood out since they had chewed the gum and were tall. We dodged ponies, carriages, children, and party decorations. We were beginning to go out of the town part of the Shire. We were getting closer to Bree. I took my full force and ran as fast as I could. I was getting closer and closer to Merry and Pippin. They had stopped abruptly and I tripped over them. I landed in the dirt, getting my face all dirty. I sat up and looked up at Merry and Pippin.
"What was that for? I thought you said that I was going to meet people."
"Well, Alice. We have brought you to a special place. Where young hobbits go and mingle. We thought that you would like to come." Merry reached out his hand. I looked at it as if it was a jack-in-the-box. Not knowing what would happen if I took it.
"Don't worry, I don't bite. Come on. We're going to be late." Merry said with a grin. I took his hand and I stood up. 
"What is this place that you are taking me? Please tell me that we would get back to the Shire in time for the party..." I worried. I always worried about everything. Especially now, I had no clue what kind of group that we would enter. In the movies, Merry and Pippin were always the troublemakers and made trouble, but they were funny, so that was a plus up.
"You will love this! It will help you find friends and fit in with us. If you will be staying for a while. I  hope you will be." Pippin looked at me shyly with a smile on his face. I decided that this look was an innocent look, so I trusted the two of them.
"Fine, I'll go. But if anything bad happens....I-I-I will have to tell Gandalf!" I told the. I hoped that the Merry and Pippin would take this as a threat. Apparently they did. Both of them made a nervous laugh. Then they both took my each of my hands and lead me up to the hill to some old willow trees. I could hear old folk music coming from beyond the curtain of the trees. 
" Merry, Pippin, I can't dance." I pulled back from them and began to back away slowly. They looked crestfallen.
"You don't have to dance. Don't worry. Pippin and I just like to sit around and watch. Very fun."  Merry tried to convince me with last ditch effort. They were trying so hard. I would not like them to be mad and disgusted with me, like Sam already was. I didn't mean to, it was all a mistake. Sam was one of my favorite characters.
"If we don't dance, I'll go. You do not want to see me dance. Trust me, you do not." I told them as we entered. I looked around and saw a bunch of smaller hobbits. Pippin, Merry and I were the only taller ones. These hobbits also seemed younger. As we walked in the music slowed to a stop and everyone turned our heads toward us. Once the young Hobbits noticed Merry and Pippin, they jumped for joy and ran to them. Asking them to tell stories about their adventures and what they did, what they ate this morning, and who they met. One child turned toward me. She was small had bright, mud eyes and blonde, curly hair. Her cheeks were rosy and she was missing some teeth. 
"Who are you?" She said in a quiet voice. All the other Hobbits turned towards me. Suddenly, I felt my body get hot. Pippin noticed the situation and covered for me. 
"Her name is Alice Graham, and she is a visitor from another world. She means us no harm and is very kind, although does not like to dance." After that last comment, I was petrified. I tugged on his suspenders and he looked at me. 
"Why'd you say that! No one needed to know that I could not dance! I barely know you and you have already betrayed me!" i stood up and left the small grove of trees. As I got out to the road, I looked at the fork in the road. Then huffed.
"Right, I don't know the way back." I muttered under my breath. While the chasing was going on, I had lost count of the minutes it had taken. The landmarks I had seen and the people. 
"You're right. The only way you can get back is with us. Sorry miss. Of course, I know the real reason Pippin did that. If you allow me to explain." Merry came down to where I had sat down, in despair. 
"Really, tell me why. Why? This place is confusing. I miss home! Merry...." I leaned my head on his shoulder. "So far nothing had gone to plan. I have no friends here, my only two had already given out a secret, and....I have no clue if this is real or not." I said into his shoulder. He patted my shoulder.
"Well, to start off. Not a lot has gone that bad. You got a decent dress. I say it looks very...pretty on you! Second, Pippin....he is one of the younger out of us four and is still learning to keep secrets. He is impulsive, loses concentration and can get crazy. But he likes you. There had to be some way to get you to notice him, so I guess that was the only thing he knew about you." As Merry explained everything to me, I realized what Pippin's symptoms were.
"Merry! Those symptoms you listed! They are a sign of A.D.D." I exclaimed to him. He look at me confused. Then I had to correct myself. "A.D.D  is a.....disorder. It's really not all that bad. Some of the most genius people have it! But you can't tell anyone. By the way...what do you mean by all four of you. I thought it was You, Pippin, and Sam. Who is the fourth person?" I asked. Then I remembered. "Never mind! I know! It's Frodo. You guys are close friends. Never splitting until you had to when you had gotten-" I stopped. If I told Merry the time line of the story, he might try to stop and change it. That would ruin or determine the fate of everyone else.
"Wow! Sam was right. You do know a lot. Are you sure your not a spy for Rohan or Gondor?" He asked me. 
"I'm positive. I'm from another. Remember?" I said. Merry laughed.
"Oh, yeah. How could I forget." He then chuckled to himself. Then, I noticed something vital. I hadn't laughed, or giggled once while I was here. This is the Shire for crying out loud!!! I should be giggling my way home! Then I realized that I would have to get out of my comfort zone and immerse myself in the Shire. 
"Merry, I want to go back in. I've made up my mind and I want to go back in." I stood up immeadiatly. 
"Are you sure. I mean, yeah you can go in, but....are you sure?" He asked.
"Yes I am sure. Show me what you and Pippin do. And for heaven's sake, I'm not in Europe anymore! Do you have any pints in there!" I was so excited. I soon realized that there was no parents here to tell me what to do.
"Misses, you are not going to drink before Mr. Frodo's party. He is expectin' you. Darn lake. Always making surprises. Gandalf sent me to tell you that Frodo is expectin' you and....wants you to arrive in your finest clothes. Although seeing that you have one pair..." He trailed off and turned back to go back to the main hub of the Shire. I narrowed my eyes at him. I thought he was a loyal character. Now I was thinking differently.
"What's his problem? It's not my fault that I know so much."  
"Like I told you. He's high strung. But he is right. Frodo seemed very interested when he mentioned you, so it is my duty that I cannot get you drank up. But we can still have fun! Let's go!" Merry and I ran up the hil and back into the grove. Hobbits were still dancing around and having fun. As soon as we entered the grove, the young hobbits that had been intrigued by my origin, ran over to me. 
"Look's like you gained a status already." Merry whispered. I nodded and looked at the young children.
"Misses Alice! Tell us about your world!"
"What does it look like?"
"Why are you so tall?"
"Can you tell us about you home?"
"Are there dragons and wizards there?"

How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now