Chapter 48

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"Now that we have all witnessed what love can do and bring, let us all rest. For I have large plans for the rest of the day." Aragorn said. There was a happy look on his face. "Then you all may depart." He gestured to all of us. 

"What?" Merry asked.

"Sleep Merry." Gandalf said. 

"ohhh." Merry nodded and everyone headed out. Pippin and I stayed with Veronica Virgil and Pipamir. The babies would cry and whine. I knew that feeding them would have to come soon. Hopefully Minas Tirith had something to hold the cows milk in. I stood up and carefully walked over to the crib that Faramir had dragged up. 

"Let me help." Pippin took Veronica Virgil from me and cradled her in his arms. He smiled and talk softly to the baby. Giggling along with her. He coddled her and smiled. I grinned widely. So cute. I looked down at Pipamir. He had bright green eyes like Pippin. He was more loud than his sister. My heart fluttered. They were perfect. I walked over to the cradle and carefully set Pipamir in it. Pippin set Veronica Virgil next to her brother. 

"What do you think Aragorn is planning?" I asked Pippin. He sat down and thought. 

"I dont know. But he seemed in  better place!" 

"Yeah...he did. I still am overjoyed that Sam and Frodo made it back alive. Though they looked tired and beat. That must have been hell to go through." I sighed and sat next to Pippin, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Mhmm. I was worried that they would be caught. You should have seen it Ali! We were fighting our war, when suddenly, you see in the background; Sauron's eye go dark and everything was silent. Everyone froze. Then....bang!" Pip exclaimed. I Jumped. "The tower that held the eye crumbled, the stones disinagrating like dust. You could hear the grinding of metal and stone....Sauron's reign was over..." Pippin said, staring off, as if reliving the experience. 

"I wish I could have been there....honestly." I pouted. I missed out on something big...but a part of me was glad that I didn't go. "I'm going to get some rest." I told him and scooted backwards to the headboard of the bed. I lay down and looked up at the ceiling. Pippin shuffled around and took his spot next to me. I reached for his hand and held it. "We have come so far...through blood, sweat, toils, and loss. But I found that I might miss the fighting and the adrenaline....and going back to the Shire is going to be a change." 

" I am not going to miss the fighting...I want the Shire. With ale, good home food, and green hills." Pippin dreamed of what he would do if he were back at the Shire. The only memory of the Shire I had was when I stayed there for a couple days. And within the days, i formed a new group of friends and relations. 

"Don't worry, we'll be there soon enough. Time have changed...and so have people. I wonder if the Shire will be any different?" I wondered aloud. 

"As long as I have lived there, nothing and no one changed. I'm pretty sure that everything is going to be where we left it." Pippin assured me. I squeezed his hand and curled into a ball, falling asleep.

It was the first dream that I had in a long time. I was standning near a boat dock. I large, tall boat floated on the glassy, clear water. Merry, Pippin, Sam, Frodo, Gandalf, Elrond, Galadriel and Celeborn were all there. Pipamir and Veronica Virgil were there.  I was being spoken to. It had something to do with the baby...but which one? I could feel sadness, and worry. Crystalized tears came down my face, stinging. No..

I shot up, breathing heavily, and sweating, thinking about the dream. I turned over to Pippin, who was asleep. 

"Pippin..Pippin! Wake up...wake up!" I shook him. He stirred in his sleep and opened one eye. 

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