Chapter 46

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I sat in that throne for hours, honestly thinking that I was going crazy. I would see Denethor, my old mother, father and brother, Boromir, and other soldiers I had let die. They didn't hurt me, but they did seem worried, as if they wanted to protect me. Especially Boromir. He would come to me and stand gaurd next to the seat. I tried reaching to touch him, but all I could feel was a cold burst of air, like an electricity volt rushing through me. I closed my eyes and thought. 

'Thank you for watching over me Boromir.'

'Of course. You were like the sister I never had. I know that baby is coming. I want to protect you.'

'That is very kind of you.'

Our ghostly conversation ended and I was left alone. Boromir's image was gone. I was left in the room. I got up from the throne. My legs ached and stretched. A great relief came to them. I gently walked down the stairs and to an open window that high off the ground. I got up on my tip toes and peered over the ledge and onto the battlefield. Giant Oliphants stomped the ground, duse flying up where ever they walked. They were painted with war colors and symbols. People rode atop them. I watched awe as they crushed everything beneath them. I looked around for Rohan. Sometimes i could their colors, but other times,I could not. As I walked around the building, I could hear cries and calls of people and orcs around Minas Tirith. Most of them were from people getting killed. I sobbed, knowing that I could not help anyone. I was stuck in here. Locked in by people that had followed me. Gandalf didn't want to do it, but he had to. 

I paced back forth, worrying horribly. Each time silence struck, I panicked that we had lost and I was being searched for. I walked to the stairs and sit down, leaning my head back on the seat of the stone throne. I rubbed my stomach. 

"Well...little'm your mother. I do apologize if you come into the world at a bad time. I do care for you. Even though I have not met you, I love you. Hopefully your father does too. You see, he doesn't know We live in the Shire. It's a quiant little place. Very nice. Your father and I are some of the tallest people there. It's a long story....but I think I have time to tell you..."  So I started to tell the story of my life from the beginning. I felt slightly crazy for talking to my baby that was inside of me, but it made me feel safe. I felt sane. 

After telling the story, i sighed and thought of what I had just said. I looked back at the window. There was another wave of silence. My heart froze, my veins went cold, as the blood stopped flowing. My hands were sweating horribly though. I panicked and got up. I grabbed the item nearest to me, which was a long, silver, candle holder. I stood near it and held on. Usually the silence only lasted a minute. But this was lasting even longer. I picked up the homemade silver shank and lugged it all the way to the window, where I could see a sliver of the battlefield. I got up and wedged my toes onto the ledge, peering out. No one. NO ONE was there. I gripped the shank even tighter and paced around the throne. I sat down, closed my eyes and listened carefully to what was outside. As soon as my world went dark, my hearing increased by 45%. I could hear...a crow. The last dying breaths of...something. And the wind. I listened harder and found that I could hear 5 light footsteps, one smaller footstep. and two rough and heavier footsteps. I knew that I was going to have to fight...1..2...3..4...5..6...7...8 orcs. Great! I laughed, hysterac. I silently crept up to the door, standing being the only door that was locked shut. I listened as I heard the lock jiggle. I stood back, the door creaked and opened. I jumped on the first thing that walked in. I fought and hit and yelled.

"Alice! Alice! Stop!" I heard a voice call my name. I actually looked down at the attacked who had told me to stop. 

"A-A-Aragorn..." I stared down at the man I had been attacking. Luckily Aragorn was strong enough to pull the shank away from me.

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