Chapter 16

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The choice that I had to make could be post-poned right? I mean, can't we wait until this quest thingy was over and done with. I turned back to Pippin and smiled at him. 

 "Let me think about that. I'll come back to you." I told him. He grinned and I felt content with myself. I leaned back on the bench and felt that sudden kick in my stomach. I lurched forward and brought myself to my knees. Merry and Pippin took sudden notice. They stopped stuffing their faces with Lembas and rushed over to my side. 

"Are you okay?" Merry asked. "Maybe you're not used to your own food. Hah." He laughed weakly.

"Alice, what's wrong?" Pippin asked. I could hear that worried tone in his voice.

"Oh, nothing. Merry is probably right. I am not used to my food yet." I gave him a smile and Pippin relaxed. The glimmer was soon restored to his eyes. Then him and Merry began to talk about the quest so far. They talked little of the loss of Gandalf. For it was in all our best interest to not talk about the dearly departed. I smiled and got back on the bench. This baby was going to be a blessing, but I just had to make it through the quest and then, I could let out the secret. 

Merry, Pippin and I stayed near the benches for a while. Then Legolas came back and called for us. 

"Why?" Merry asked. Legolas looked at him.

"Our lady, Galadriel has called upon us." He said with a small smile. I rose and the two followed me. We walked behind the bushes and met up with Frodo, Sam, Aragorn, Boromir, and Gimli. There were other elves there too. And then, there was Galadriel. All of us stood in a single line. An elf before each one of us. I looked across at the elf in front of me. He had brown hair. It was very long and he had wide, deer like eyes. He held a green cloak before me. I looked down the row of the elves. Like the one standing before me, they had cloaks held before them. 

"Ona sen i' collo." Galadriel said. Legolas, who was next to me, leaned over and told me that she had just said, "give them the cloaks." I nodded as the elf before me gracefully pulled on the cloak and fastened the leaf-like pin onto the cloak to hold it in place. Then, Celeborn came upon us. Look at us with his wise eyes, "Never before have he clad strangers in the garb of our own people. May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes." He told us. Merry, Pippin and I just nodded. The others stood still. When Celeborn and the other elves left, Galadriel had us stay with her. The ten of us stood there, waiting. Galadriel had a large bag, filled with something in it. She came over to me, as for I was at the end of the line. She reached into the bag and pulled out a small silver locket. It was oval and could open and close. She placed it in  my open hand. I looked up and her and gave her a smile. I was supposed to be greatful, right? What was this locket supposed to do. She smiled back and said, "Open it." I looked back down at it, it was now glowing green. I carefully opened it and saw Merry and Pippin. They were standing. Looking at me. "It shows you who you care about and what they are doing." She smiled once more and then moved onto Legolas. I looked back at the locket. Merry and Pippin had thier hands in their pockets. Rocking back and forth. I smiled and closed it. The front was plain silver. No fancy decoration. The chain was silver chainmail link. I slipped it over my head and wore it around my neck. I smiled and watched as the others got their presents too. Merry and Pippin recieved daggers, while Legolas had a bow. Frodo was given a light, and Sam was given elvish rope. I wasn't sure what the others got. 

Once everyone was finished up with their personal business, we boarded the boats. There were three boats and ten of us. Merry, Pippin, Boromir and I shared a boat, while Sam, Aragorn and Frodo shared one. Legolas and Gimli had their own. I tried to ease my way into the front of the boat, which was tricky. I hadn't gained the stomach yet, but for sure, I was trying to be careful. The boat tipped back and forth as I struggled to get on. It was very difficult, but I made it to the front seat. Pippin and Merry followed behind me. Boromir clambered in after them. He rocked the boat a little, which annoyed me. I swore I could of heard him laughing. 

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