Chapter 25

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No dreams. No Sam. No Frodo. 

So the only reason I could be awake before Pippin was that something had heightened my elf senses. I sat up and looked around. The blanket that usually lay at the end of the bed was neatly spread over Pippin and me. I looked over at him. Last night was the first fight we had. He looked like a sweet cherub angel. His face grinning and his perfect complexion. He was small in stature but had a brave soul and and a couragous heart. 

I got up and folded the rest of the blanket over to Pippin's side. I scootched over to the edge of the bed and let my pale feet dangle from it. I looked at my own skin. Once it had been glowing but now, it was a pale glow. Something that I was not used to. Lightly, I landed on the ground and my feet tingled with feeling. I was glad to have the sense of touch and perception back. My ankle had also healed from the previous, drunked fall. 

I stretched my arms and peered out the window. It looked like the sun had just risen over the horizon of Rohan. The scenery was perfect. If only I had paper and a pencil...I would sketch the scene out. Well, instead of sketching it, I stepped out onto the balcony.  The pale gold of the sun shined down on me, warming me up. There was a sweet, dewy smell and the air was slightly damp. It seemed so perfect. The weather and the image, but there was something that made the hair on my arm stand up. I could feel a tingling. Not like the drunken tingle, but more of a sensory, something is wrong feeling. I looked around and saw nothing quite out of the ordinary. I was up early, so I saw anyone walking around the small town. I shrugged the feeling off and was about to turn around, when I heard a voice call out. 

"HEY! HELLO?!" The voice echoed through the vast desserted plain. I stoped and turned on my heel, spinning around to see who had called out. 

"HELLO?" I responded back. I waited for the response.

"WE'RE OUT HERE!" The voice called again and this time, I focused on looking out, past the Rohan boundaries. I squinted and was able to see a horse, with two riders on it. They looked rather small.

"OH I SEE YOU! WHAT DO YOU NEED!?" I yelled back.


I could now recognize the voice as a small boy's. I also heard the urgency in his voice.

"OKAY! STAY THERE! I'M COMING!" I responded and left the balcony immeaditly. No one else was awake. I was the only one in the enitre small kingdom that was actually up and awake.

I rushed out of the room, with urgency, not even putting my shoes on. My bare feet slapped against the marble floors. My dress, trailed behind like usual. I ran as quickly as I could, pumping my arms to reach the front of the Castle. The two young kids were out there and they needed my help. I couldn't leave them out there. Especially with the new heat coming in. As I ran, I passed up Legolas's bow and arrow. Just as a saftey precaution, I took the bow and slung it around my chest. Then I took two arrows with me. 

Lucky for me, the front doors were already open. I fled down the stairs, skipping two or three at a time and jumping off four near the bottom. My feet hit the dirt and rocks with a sudden impact that slightly shook me. I breathed and kept running. As I ran past the stable, I thought about getting a horse. But there was no time to think. If the children had been out there as long as I think they had, they would be malnourished and sickly. Time was off the essence. No horse, I could run fast enough to make it to them. But the only problem, was that i had never left beyond the speared gates the lead to the outer parts of Rohan. Sure, I had watched people go in and out everyday, but never paid enough attention to the situation. Well time came when I reached the shockingly high speared gates. I put my hand up to the gate and pushed lightly. With that, I heard a large creak and moaning of wood. Cables that were connected screeched and pulled. The gates were being opened. I looked around to see the person who had opened them. I looked up at the watchtower. The young stable boy, D'artgnan. I smiled and waved at him. Then was off and running once more. 

How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now