Chapter 32

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Aragorn and I headed toward the direction of Helm's Deep. I was deeply terrified. I had been uber paranoid ever since the lone Warg had attacked me while I was in the water. Ever noise, movement and sense I got, I blamed it on the evil forces. I was hunched over and made sure that Aragorn watched my back. 

"How close are we?" I whined for the 400th time. 

"We. Are. Getting. Closer." Aragorn said through his teeth. He wasn't paranoid, but more annoyed by my constant bickering and whining. We had been on the horse for 3 hours. My arms was beginning to stop bleeding, and it started to scab up. The horse was also annoyed by both Aragorn and me.

"Aragorn! I'm hungry." I whined again. He turned around and looked demented, but I knew that he wasn't possesed. he was way to strong to be possesed.

"WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE! I DON'T THINK THAT WE CAN GET ANY FOOD HERE!" He finally screamed and let go all of the anger. At first I was scared but then I felt better. I smiled wide. "Why are you smiling?" He asked. 

"Because, you just proved to me that you are human. You have anger and feeling and stuff. You just yelled at me and proved that you act like a normal being." I told him.

"What made you think that I wasn't?" Aragorn asked.

"You just have the same face all the time...and you just act like nothing bothers you. You seem in natural." I told him. I was slightly scared of how he was going to react. Like I said, he could and would kill me with a napkin. Except we didn't have one. 

Aragorn didn't respond to me. I felt that I had accidently goneinto something that I shouldn't have. I felt slightly guilty.  Oh well.  I sighed and looked ahead, trying to spot Helm's Deep. I had never seen it, but I hoped that I would know what it was when I would see it. I didn't want ask Aragorn what it looked like, because I didn't want him to let go of the horse and have a little free riding. I needed to put my mind in a different frame. Pippin! I wonder what he was doing right now? Was he worrying about me? What about Merry? I hope that they are okay. I also prayed that they wouldn't be mad at me for "dying" on them again, for the 100th time. 

"Aragorn. Are they safe in Helm's Deep? Will they be protected?" I asked him.  He looked up at me and looked back forward. He did not respond. "Aragorn. Will they be okay?" I asked more sternly.

"There is a possibility that they are not as safe as they think they are. The walls can be breached, but with certain forces. And I have a feeling that Saruman knows what they are. The forces will be here within a good time. We need to reach Helm's Deep." Aragorn told me. My stomach dropped.

"You mean, they're not safe." I trembled. 

"Not saying that. Calm down. is the baby?" Aragorn changed the subject. 

"The kid is good. Not sure how many months along I am. but it's good." I told him. My stomach had a slight bump.  And a kick. Ow that hurt.

"I can't believe the baby survived the things you have been going through." He chuckled. I laughed.

"Yeah...I know. I just want this war to be over so I can deliver the baby." I told him. 

"I hope you know that the baby might come while the War is still going on." Aragorn told me. I flashed him a look.

"I am not giving birth to a baby in a world like this! Look how bad it is!" I yelled. I pointed to the vast land. 

"I know. I know. But its that time that comes, you have to do it." he said. I shrugged. 

"Okay. Whatever." I had become slightly agitated. 

"There. There it is. Helm's Deep." Aragorn pointed to a large circular stone castle. It was backed up in the corner of a large mountain Whoever built was very smart. If anyone attacked, the people in the caslte could not get out without getting caught.

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