Chapter 31

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~~~~~~~~~~~MERICADOC BRANDYBCUK~~~~~~~~~~~~

I listened to a alien noise that I had never heard before. I saw up front that Alice had heard the noise too, along with Aragorn. Aragorn had left Alice on the horse and rushed off to the rest of the Fellowship. I looked to the hill and saw at least 10 dog like creatures. They were taller than I was and had a menacing appearence. Their eyes were yellow and had large fangs that protuded from their mouths. The dog creatures descended upon our traveling group. Once the Fellowship attacked, all hell broke loose. I was caught in the middle of it. I tried to find Pippin, but couldn't spot him and the children he was with. When I was trying to search for Alice, one of the dogs had come up from behind and growled in my ear. I jumped and backed into a wall. Aragorn was with me. Both of us had our backs up to the wall and I was scared. I wasn't sure if Aragorn was scared. I closed my eyes and waited for the dog to attack. 

When the dog didn't attack us, I opened my eyes. Alice had come up from behind and tried to kill it. But it had thrown her to the ground. Aragorn panicked and jumped atop the dog. But unlike other wild animals, this creature had riding gear on it. When Aragorn tried to get off, his foot became stuck in the riding gear. I watched in panic as the dog ran towards a high cliff edge. If the dog did run over the edge,  both of them would be dead. I looked over at Alice and saw her struggling to get up. 

"Alice!" I called out. I tried to run to her, but even though she was on the ground, she stopped me.

"Merry, no. Don't come near." She told me. 

"But Aragorn has...he is stuck in a..a dog's riding gear! It's going to run off the edge of the cliff!" I told her. When I said that she was able to get up and run over to the dog. She was pretty fast. Once she caught up with the dog, she too was caught up in some sort of gear. So both of them were stuck and heading toward the cliff. In the midst of the fight, I ran through the treachery and rushed to try and reach the dog. But it was too late. When I did, the last I saw of Alice was her sad and sorrowed face disappearing over the cliff edge. I gasped and ran over. i watched the dog, Aragorn, and Alice fall far from the cliff and meet a deadly end in the rocky waters below.

"No..." I whispered. What about Pippin? I turned and saw the fight wear down. The dog creatures were disappearing and the people were getting back together. I ran over to Legolas and Theoden. 

"Legolas, Theoden!" I yelled for them. Both of them turned around and they looked at me funny. 

"What do you want hobbit?" Theoden asked in a gruff voice. 

"Alice! It's her! She-she-she!" I could barely get my words out. Legolas took immediate attention and listened to me. "Alice. She was trying to help Aragorn and well...she got caught up in this dog creature and Aragorn, Alice, and the dog, fell off the cliff side!" I pointed to the cliff. Leglas's face went pale, paler than usual. He bolted across the grassy fields and halted at the cliff edge. Small rocks broke off and fell below.

"I can't see them. Maybe they climbed to shore." Legolas peered over the edge.

"And maybe the sharp rocks below destroyed them and they died. Even if that didn't happen, the water is too cold." Theoden came up behind Legolas and I. Now I know why Alice didn't ike him.

"Hey guys...what's going on? Where's Alice?" I heard the dreaded voice that I couldn't bare to hear right now. I turned and saw Pippin, with Eothain and Freda. I looked down so my eyes wouldn't tell the truth. "Merry?" He asked. I decided since I was close to both Pippin and Alice, I would tell him what happened. 

"Pip, I've got to tell you something." I said solemnly.


"Alice...she...she was trying to save Aragorn. Long story short, she fell off the side of the cliff with the dog thing and Aragorn. We don't see her below." I tried to sum it up shortly.  His eyes widended and then we went into disbelief. 

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