Chapter 34

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It was sad when I saw the small boy sign up for the War that would be held as Helms Deep. I was also deeply angry with Theoden, but I was the one who was going to arrange the whole thing, so he couldn't comment of what I did with the people.  So as long as Theoden kept the people coming, I could control them and what they did. So, I watched as the time passed. I saw Legolas, Aragorn, Boromir, and even Gimli come up to us and speak. Boromir was quite surprised when he saw me sitting next to one of my mild enemies. I was amused by the look on his face. 

"And it looks like I'll still be there to control and keep you safe from those areas." I joked with him, refrencing to the Parth Galen inncident where I had saved him from an onslaught of arrows that would have killed him.

"Ha, yeah. I'll be keeping an eye out for that." He laughed and signed up. Then he drifted off into the crowd. I wondered about him sometimes. I also wondered about his brother that he usually talked about. 

"Okay! Alice, I do not need your help right now. You are free to go. We will assemble tonight." He told me sadly. 

"Why tonight? I thought that it wasn't least a couple more days..." I asked him.

"Look beyond that wall. And tell me just what you see." He instructed me to look.  I rose from the stone chair and walked to the wall. I stood up on my tip toes and peered over the wall and looked out on the vast land that we had been traveling hours ago. I looked far, far out and saw a small dark mass that looked like it was heading slowly toward us. I turned back around and looked at Theoden in wonder. 

"What is that?" I asked. 

"That, my child, those are the Uruk Hai Armies. Thousands of them...they are coming. And I estimate that it will be tonight." He sighed and looked stressed. I felt sorry for him..once. 

"Then we will defeat him. Can you send someone out to find somewhere to hide the women and children. And make sure that the walls and the building itself is secure." I ordered. Theoden grinned slightly. 

"I knew I chose the right person for this fight. I will." He stood up and also disappered into the crowd to go retrieve someone.

I had better things to do. So I prance down the stairs and back into the cavernous halls that lead to the secret room that Merry and Pip had found. I hoped that they would be there. I didn't feel like walking all over Helms Deep just to find them. The baby was getting bigger and I realized that I was having some problems with everyday things. I always had to pee...a lot! And I was craving the Shire's cupcakes. I was getting crabby and mood swing. My body hurt and I was tired. I couldn't believe that no one had noticed. I rubbed my stomach and breathed in and out slowly. I made it down the hall and came to the door. I knocked. Like I said, I didn't want ot strain on my body. 

"Coming!" I heard Merry's voice calling throughout the hall. It echoed. I waited and waited. The door moved and creaked open.Merry peeked out. He looked to the left, and then to the right. Yet he didn't see me. 

"I know your playing." I told him. I lightly hit his head playfully. He snapped his head forward and blankly looked ahead. But he couldn't keep like that. A smile cracked onto his mouth and then it was a laugh.

"Alice! Come in! We have received our outfits for the war tonight!" He seemed so happy. I had no clue why. 

"Okay." I stepped in and saw Pip looking sadly over the war outfit that was on the bed. But it wasn't his. As soon as I stepped in, he saw me and I could see the tears that had been falling down his face. "Pippin! What's the matter." I rushed over to him and sat next to him, holding his body. 

"I came in and saw the outfits. I was expecting only two. But there were 3! And then I realized that you were in this too! You couldn't back down and they had given you the most heavily armed suit there! You will be in all the crossfire! You...I could actually lose you think time. And it will be real." He seemed very sad and in distress. 

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