Chapter 47

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"How long will it take for you to find more recruits?" I asked. Aragorn looked at me.  He seemed slightly agitated. Something was up. He had done something, or someond did something to him. 

"Not long. Not a lot of people are here, but we have enough who are willing." He picked up some of his things that were lying on the floor next to him. He swung whatever it was around his shoulder and headed out with the rest of the crew. Legolas was the last one.

"Bye little sister. We will not be defeated. Hold strong. We will be back." He kissed my forehead. I embraced him in a rough hug. 

"You're leaving for the war. Aren't you. Aragorn just doesn't want us to know?" I asked him. 

"Yes. We are leaving for battle. Stay here." Legolas said in a harsh voice. I nodded and watched him leave out the door. When it shut close, I knew that they were off. This could possibly be the final battle. I cried. Not little elvish tears, or little whimpers. Sobs, anguishing cried of sadness, and regret. The loud cried echoed loud enough throughout the hall that Eomer, Zach, and the newly freshened up Faramir had gotten up to check on me. Pippin wasn't here. Merry wasn't here. 

"Alice, are you okay?" Zach asked. 

"Where did everyone go?" Eomer inquired. Faramir looked around. 

"They left...for war." I mumbled. "And yes. I am fine. Just sad." I said and sat down in the stone throne, legs dangling over the arm. I peeked at Faramir. 

"Faramir, are you okay?" I asked him. He jumped and calmed once he knew it was me. 

"Yes. I could be better, but...yes I am fine." He walked up to me and got on one knee bowing, "Your highness, how do you like my fated father's chair?" he grinned, but seemed to keep a strange demeanor. I laughed and got out of the chair. 

"It's all yours." I gestured to it.

He shook his head. "No thank you." I made sure not to ask why. He seemed to have family issues. So I obliged and sat back down. 

"So what is on the agenda today? Anything? Or are we going to sit here like useless lumps on logs." Eomer grumbled and crossed his arms, surveying the scene. 

"It looks like we are going to be useless lumps on logs today my friend." I smiled at Eomer. He smirked for a second, but it was gone. 

"There's got to be something we can do! Come on. Why didn't they let you go out with them? You're strong enough. You're invincible. Remember!" Zach asked me. I laughed and looked at him. 

"Oh Zachariah. I won't always be invincable. Remember, people are telling me that the baby is coming soon and I can't afford to be in battle when it comes." I smiled at him. 

"But..I heard that you were...why do you let other people tell you...about that?" He pouted. I looked at the naive 14 year old.

"Zachariah, sometimes you have to forget what you have done, and how people view you. Sometimes you just have to listen to people. And I am listening to people and my own body. I've been getting weaker...fragile.." I stared out the window. Please let Sam and Frodo make it... I thought.  If they made would change the fate of the world...and our lives. 

"Oh...Alright. Let's sit like logs..." Zachariah slumped down in his own chair near the dining table. All of us were slightly peeved that we didn't get to fight. Eomer being the person who most wanted to get out. But he stayed. 

"I am going to GO CRAZY!" I excliamed, sprawled out over the floor. I don't know how I had gotten there, but I ended up stairs down the throne and onto the stone cold floor, spread out like a starfish. 

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