Chapter 22

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When I first heard the word celebrate come out of King Theoden's mouth, I could feel the excitment bubbling up inside of me. Partying, talking, meeting....drinking.....wait. My hand went to my stomach and my heart gave a little jump. The baby. I woulnd't want to harm it during drinking...but then again, I had already been through a lot while carrying the kid. And if Legolas' theory was proved right and my child was the next to save the "Old World" then it would have to grow up strong. When would I tell Pippin. Never. I wouldn't tell him until I gave birth...As I thought through a fool proof plan on how to get the baby news past Merry and Pippin, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw legolas, standing before me. He smiled at me. I smiled back and thought back to the dream when he had to give me up. Those only tears coming from his eyes....the pain of leaving family. I stood up and gave Legolas a great big hug. 

"I remember." I told him. He put both hands on my shoulders and looked at me.

"You remember what? There is much to remember from what has happened during the cours eof your journey." As Legolas spoke, I could tell he was holding back from any emotion, as Elves weren't supposed to feel or show emotion. 

"I remember when I was just a new born baby. Mom and Dad had to give me up so I could save a different realm...a world beyond ours. You were there, at the Grey Havens. A boat set to leave. You didn't want to part with the only sister and close relation you had left. You cried, Legolas." I told him in a calm and soothing manner. I watched as he shook slightly. 

"I do remember that time. It was a greivance for all of us, but certainly, I did not shed a single tear. Of course, I was still distressed that you were leaving us." He told me. Through certain parts of his sentence his voice would crack and I would see a tiny flinch in his arm. Merry and Pippin watched me as I tried to coax an elf to have and remember feelings and emotions.

"No, Legolas. I know that Elves don't have emotions or feelings, but they really do. They just have to reach far enough. There has to be something that will make them crack and feel sadness, pain, happiness, love and joy. You felt that when I had to leave. I was going to be your only sibling, but having me leave and go into another world was hard for you. You cried, you cared for me." 

"It was a dream. That does not mean it was real." Legolas fought back with all the strength he had.

"Dreams are memories of the past. And please, you have emotions. I don't see why you won't fess up to say that you cried."

"If I said that I did cry, then I would not be who I am supposed to be."

"No, if you do say that, that means that you are part of Middle Earth and you posses and share the same feeling as the things and creatures surronding you. You are one with the land....please tell me." I reached up and squeezed his shoulder. I watched as Legolas' stony blue eyes broke and became flushed with water and filled with feeling. No longer that blank stare that he had always been carrying around. He broke down and collapsed on the bench. Tears began to fall, like tiny crystals down his face. I smiled and hugged him, wrapping my arms around him to show him that we are siblings and that will never change. He put his head over my shoulder and I could hear tiny sobbing noises emit from his mouth. I, myself was in a emotional state and shock. Never before had an elf expressed so much feeling and passion. I had done it! I had done the unthinkable!!! I made Legolas have real emotion!! I looked at him and pulled away.

"Now doesn't that feel good?" I asked him. He nodded and stood up. He hung up and Bow and Arrow and walked outside. I sighed. Merry and Pippin scooted over to me.

"That was...."


"You did it. You made someone...."

How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now