Chapter 7

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Hours out into the wilderness, we were getting into the snowy parts of the mountains. 
"Where are you taking us?" Frodo asked.
"Into the wild." Aragorn responded. Merry sighed. Pippin leaned over to me.
"Do you know where he is taking us? Is he safe?"  Pippin asked.
"Yes he is very safe. Don't worry. Trust is key." I told him. He looked at me with his emerald green eyes. He was so young. The youngest of the group..... 

We stopped and checked on Bill the Pony. "Gentlemen and lady we do not stop 'til nightfall." Aragorn said. Yay! Here comes my favorite part! 
"What about breakfast?" Pippin asked.
"You've already had it."
"We've had one, yes. What about second breakfast?" The way Pippin said second breakfast made me fly a little.
"I don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip." Merry said and Aragorn walked off. Now Pippin was set into a panic.
"What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?" 
"I wouldn't count on it." Merry said. Suddenly an appel came flying out of no where and landed in Merry's hands. He shrugged and handed it to Pippin. Soon there would be another one thrown. Maybe I can catch it? I saw the apple hurled out of the bushes and I quickly caught it.  
"Nice catch." Pippin said.
"Thanks. You too."  I said.
"What? Merry just handed this to me. I didn't catch. I mean I could if I wanted to but-" Pippin stopped talking when I gave him a little kiss on the cheek. "Ohhhhhh I get it." He lit up and followed me like a lovesick puppy dog. Puppy. Those were one of the main things I missed about regular earth. Dog's were so easy to find. In Middle Earth it was much more difficult.   I do not know how long we walked along the mountain, but I was entertained all the way. Sam was completely infatuated with Bill the Pony, Frodo kept on....being Frodo. Merry, Pippin and I made jokes all the way. Sometimes, there was a couple moments when Merry would go up front and Pippin and I got our own little time. 
"How much do you weigh?" Pippin asked me. I was startled by this question.
"124....Whyyy?" I asked.
"Do you think that I would be able to hold you up on my back?" He asked. I could hear a playful tone creep into his voice.
"Hmm why don't we find out?" Pippin sqauted down and I clambered onto his back. Since he had the "magical" gum, he was about as tall as me.
"You're not that heavy...nice." He laughed that pure Scottish laugh. Like me! Except, it was fading. I didn't think that an accent could fade. I giggled and whooped. He ran around a while before Aragorn told me to get down.
"We will be approaching a bog soon and I don't want you to be unstable." He said. Both Pippin and I frowned upon this idea. But I reluctantly climbed down. Sure enough, there was a nasty bog that lead up to the watch tower. Probably a days away. We would have to rest here. I remembered from the extended edition. That whole morning had gone by way too fast. 
"Everyone. This will be our new camping grounds. For tonight we should be at the watch tower in-"
"A day's time." I cut off Aragorn. For once I didn't want to be known as a "lady" I wanted to be known as a leader and helper.
"Exactly, Alice is correct. A day's time." Aragorn set down the camping gear off of Bill. Sam walked Bill over and tied him to a tree. I took down the sleeping bags.
"Really!? Again!? Only 3 sleeping bags. Honsetly!" I protested. Everyone turned to look at me.
"We could share again. If you don't mind." Pippin offered. I shrugged.
"Sure. Okay. Pippin and I will share a sleeping bag. Merry! I see you. It's not like that." I pointed out Merry who had been trying to silently laugh. "The other two are up to you guys." I said.
"I will sleep wherever. I can adjust to the finest of sands and the roughest of rocks." Aragorn said. "The Ringbearer should get a sleeping bag." Sam said. He called Frodo a Ringbearer. Odd.  Well we all figured out who was going to sleep where and with who. The night fell and everyone nestled into their bags. Frodo and Sam fell asleep quickly. Merry was....talking in his sleep? Aragorn was off somewhere. Pippin and I were the only one awake and in conversation. 
"What do you miss about your old world?" He asked.
"Puppies. you know what puppies are, right?" I wondered if they knew puppies from dogs.
"Yes. I know. They are rare here. But so you." Pippin blushed and played the old schoolboy sentence twist.  As he was talking, I began to worry about my aging. "What's the matter? Are you okay?" He moved his head so that we had complete eye contact. 
"Pippin, if something doesn't happen, I am going to age quickly and I won't feel or look the same. I need to stay like this." When I told him. He looked interested.
"What are the ways you can stay like this?" He asked.
"The first and probably the only option I have is marrying a Hobbit, so I can age like them. The marriage does something and turns me." I told him. He looked surprised and happy.
"If it takes place in Rivendell, I heard that you can have eternal life. But back to you...the marriage?"
"I don't know. Pippin, you are the only one person, I have truly connected with and have stayed with." I looked into those deep green eyes. I knew that he could see the stress in me.
"Go to sleep. It'll be okay. We will take care of that when we get to Rivendell." I nodded and curled myself into him. His arms went around me protectively. For once I felt safe and in place.... ~~~~~~~~~PEREGIN 'PIPPIN' TOOK I was awaken by the face of Alice. She had the duty of waking everyone up and getting them ready for the trip to Rivendell.
"Pippin time to get up. We are heading out for Rivendell. Come on time to get up." She was sitting on the bed. Her face was calm.
"Okay thank you." I said. She got up and left the room. I jumped out of the bed and shuffled through some of the bags that were brought along with us. Dang! No new clothes. Guess I just had to wear what I was wearing now. I dashed to a mirror and fixed my bed head. Just them Merry peeped out and bounced in front of me.
"Ello Pip! How was your nights rest?" He asked.
"Fine. Yourself?"
"Good." He left and went to breakfast.  I stayed a while in the room and then left.  I entered the old bar hall to be greeted by a shining, clean, breakfast lounge. I saw our group eating in the corner in a booth. I slid in next to Alice. She was beaming happy. I made a couple of jokes and she laughed at them. Then Merry and joined in and within minutes all 3 of us were rolling on the floor laughing. Frodo, Sam and Strider just stared at us. After minutes of joking, Strider told us to stop playing around and leave. So...we got up and left for Rivendell. Before that though, the group stopped by a stall and picked up a pony that had been waiting for us. Sam took an instant liking to it and named him Bill the Pony. We loaded Bill with all of our stuff. Poor little pony. At least Sam had most of his stuff off his back.  By noon we had reached a mountain. We had begun our trek over the mountain when Frodo asked Strider a question.
"Where are you taking us?" He asked. Strider simply answered, "Into the wild." That comment got me thinking... "Do you know where he is taking us? Is he safe?"  I asked.
"Yes he is very safe. Don't worry. Trust is key." She looked at me deeply with her green eyes. 
"Okay." We trekked on. When we reached a flat part of the mountain, we stopped. Sam and Frodo attended to  Bill the pony.
"Gentlemen and lady we do not stop 'til nightfall." Strider said. He looked at us seriously.
"What about breakfast?" I asked.
"You've already had it."
"We've had one, yes. What about second breakfast?" I wondered. I always ahd second breakfast in the Shire.
"I don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip." Merry said and Strider walked off. "What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?"  I asked merry.
"I wouldn't count on it." He said. As he said that an apple came flying out of no where. Merry looked at it and tossed it to me. At least it's something to eat. Another apple came flying out of no where again. This time Alice caught it.
"Nice catch." I complimented her.
"Thanks you too." She told me. I was confused.
 "What? Merry just handed this to me. I didn't catch. I mean I could if I wanted to but-" I shut my darn mouth when Alice leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. Her lips were as soft as a rose. I choked. Then I understood. "Ohhhhh I get it." She turned and we went back on our trail again. I followed her the whole way. I had a flash back to the first day I met her. 
IT was the day of Frodo's party. Merry and I had been sitting by the lake near the Shire. Just minding our business when from far out we heard a screech of a...human. I guess. Both of us had gotten up to inspect it. When we were over there we found out that a mortal person had dropped into the Shire. Literally. We brought her to an abandoned Hobbit hole and called for Sam and Gandalf. After that.... After noon, we separated into groups. Frodo, Sam and Bill the Pony with Strider in the front, Merry, Alice and I in the back. Sometime Merry would leave. Whiel he would Alice and I would talk and joke around. Soon nightfall had approached and we set up camp in a bog. By the time everyone set up their bags and tied Bill up, it was dark. Once again, as what Gandalf calls "fate" would have, Alice and I ended up sharing a sleeping bag because of the shortage. As everyone else fell asleep, we began to talk. As she talked, she told me about how she missed puppies and how she was aging quicker than the rest of us. 
"What do you have to do to stop it?" I asked her.
"The only option I have is getting married to a hobbit. The marriage between a mortal and hobbit does something to your aging cells." She said. I could tell that she was getting tired.
"Oh. Yes. I heard if you get married in Rivendell, you can have eternal life. But back to you...." She had falled asleep. She curled up next to me and I put both arms around her protectively.

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