Chapter 23

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I raced across the barren ground. Pippin ran to the horse stables. No one was in the stables, just Pip and me. He began to walk down the isle of numerous horses, until he stopped at a gray stallion that I had never seen before. He stared up at it with awe and wonder. 

"Ali...can...we ride this one?" He asked.  I looked up at the horse. She seemed calm enough. 

"Yeah. I guess so. Come on, before the stable boy sees me again." I rushed Pippin but he stopped.

"Stable boy?"

"Yeah. Got in some trouble for riding one of the horses here. Now come on, we don't want that to happen again." I stepped in front of him and lifted the heavy latch that locked the stall. I pushed up and it opened. Pippin and I rushed into the stall and Pippin grabbed a saddle. 

"We don't need those. Just ride bare back." I told him. He shrugged and was easily able to get onto the horse, now with his growth spurt and all. I followed and hopped onto the back of the horse, grasping Pippin, praying that I wouldn't fall off. I lightly kicked the horse's side and off it went. Out of the stable and onto the gronds of Rohan.

Since noon had come, people were out wandering the streets. Some people watched us ride along the barriers of Rohan, while others just scoffed at our young hearts and foolishness. Pippin was getting the hang of steering the horse and we hadn't fallen off yet. I felt giddy and out of this world! Riding along Rohan, I felt free and there were no boundaries holding us back. My heart fluttered and jumped. I leaned over and talked to Pippin, 
"Pip, go by the castle gates and see what has happened with Merry and Eowyen."

"I do want to find out what happened to them...let's go." We rode faster, the outline of the castle in the distance.  I squinted to see if there was any sign of the two. There was only one. 

We rode over and stopped. Eowyen was sitting on the stairs, hands in her face and hair a mess. I could hear small sobbing sounds that came from her. Startled at this new emotion I had not witnessed from her before, I jumped off. 
"Eowyen, what's wrong? What happened?" I looked over her for any physical pain, but realized when she looked up that this wasn't a physical pain. But I realized that the pain was inside. Her heart.
"Meh-Meh-Merry...I thought that maybe w-w-we could have something? You know? I thought that....we hit off real w-w-well." She sobbed louder and curled up on the step. For a second, I was in shock.

"Merry?" I whispered to myself. He would be the last one on my list to do something like this. Just a few days ago, he had been crying to me that he would find no one, now he finds someone and just tosses her like an old rotten Shire Apple. 
"Merry what?" Pippin hopped down from the horse and walked over to Eowyen and I.
Through clenched teeth, I said, "Merry made Eowyen upset." Then I turned and stomped up the stairs.

"Wh-what about that horse?!" Pippin called. 
 "You can watch it, I am going to be right back!" I yelled back down.
"Don't make Merry mad! Be cautious!" Pippin warned. I scoffed and stomped into the doors, which were open. Sure, I listen to Pippin most of the time. Sometimes I don't because he can be foolish and he is young. But this time, I was doing this for a friend.  

"MERIADOC BRANDYBUCK!!!!" I yelled throughout the Great Hall. 
"Be wary of your voice young one! Not all of us want to hear you screeching!" Gimli commented. I ignored the comment completely. 
"If you are looking for Merry, he just went down the hallway." Legolas pointed. I nodded and then stopped. Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn were all there, I could tell them about the! I can wait later. After all it was a dream. 

I went down the hallway where Legolas said he had gone. I stomped down the hallway. Ooooh, he was going to get it. I expected Merry to be smarter than this! 
"MERIADOC BRANDYBUCK!!! COME OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!!"  I yelled at the door where Merry took residence. I waited for a couple minutes. Shifting from one side to another, crossing my arms, uncrossing them. I felt my hands go cold and tucked them into the sleeves of the dress. I sighed and walked up to the door, about to pound it open, when Merry opened it, just as my fist was in mid-air.
"Yes? I could hear you screming from a mile away. What is it?" He asked calmly. I just about lost it. I love Merry and all, but he doesn't have a right to go and hurt girls feelings like he did. There are certain ways to break the news lightly. With Eowyen, I could tell that he hadn't. Anyway, Eowyen was the only female friend I had made so. I hadn't stayed long enough in the shire to make a female friendship, and I did stay longer than I thought, I was too wrapped up in my "marriage" and me coming to the SHire in the first place.  I reached out quickly and grabbed Merry by the collar of his shirt. I held him close to me, to make my point. His feet, dangling barely of the ground.
"You shouldn't toy with a girl like that. Especially Eowyen!" I growled at him. He froze up.
"I"m sorry! I'm Sorry! I just... I just."
"YOU just what? Just a couple of day s ago, you were crying to me that you didn't have anyone who loved you and you were all depressed! Now you have that chance and you throw it down the Well!" I explained to him, my fury.
"IT's not my fault that we didn't hit off. I think that there might be someone better out there for her and for me. Please, have mercy and forgive me?" Merry pleaded. His smiled drooped into a frown and I began to feel very guilty.
"Awww Merry. I'm sorry. I just got a little over sensitive. Hug?" I reached out to hug him and all was forgiven. As I hugged Merry, I thought about everything. How this quest was affecting me, how much I wanted to go back to the Shire, and how little time I got to spend with the hobbits. I thought that maybe Sam and I could be friends. Frodo would talk to me. As I thought about that I began to cry into Merry's shoulder. I felt him seize up. 
"'s okay. Don't worry." He said. I cried even more. "Ummm...err....PIPPIN!!!!! HEY PIP!!!!!" Merry screamed. I guessed that Merry didn't know how to handle emotions coming from a girl, like I was now. I let go of Merry and looked at him.
"You're a good person." I patted him on the shoulder and Pip appeared.
"How did everything go?" He asked, looking a little worried.
"Fine. Everything is handled. How is Eowyen?" I asked, worrying about my new friend.
"She is fine from what I could tell. Even took the horse back for me." He passed by me with that mischievous glint in his eye.
"Peregrin Took! You made her didn't you! You found a way..." I scolded him and he giggled merrily down the hallway, with Merry. I sighed and walked back to the Great Hall. Everyone was still there. Theoden had joined them.

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