Chapter 41

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By late morning, I was feeling a wee bit better, but still weak and pale. Pippin had not come back. Nor had Faramir or Zachariah. Only Gandalf visited me. Which was comforting, but I was worried why Pippin had not returned. Had I done something to scare him?

"Gandalf, what have I done to scare away Pippin?" I asked him. Gandalf looked at me kindly with soft eyes.

"You did not scare him. You just merely frightened him. He has never seen a person so sick before, so it came with shock and small guilt." Gandalf told me. I felt horribly guilty.

"I did not mean to make him feel guilty! I must go find him and tell him I am okay!" I flipped the blankets off of myself and leaped out of the bed. Gandalf seemed worried and stressed.

"I think you should not. You won't be pleased with him if you saw him!" he called after me. I ignored it. What on earth would Pippin do to anger me?

I found out just what. I had entered out of  Faramir's house. Faramir, no where to be seen. Zachariah was wandering around Faramir's garden. I paused to look out at the scenery before me. The sun had rose and it was shining off the bright white marble of Minas Tirith. A low breeze blew around, cool like the day before. A small dark cloud cast a shadow on only a small part of the city. But I knew that soon it would be engulfed. After taking a moment, I returned and ran down the walkway of the Dome house. The guards still watched over the tree, not moving an inch. I ran down and up to the door, pushing it open, nice and wide. There was Faramir, Pippin, and Denethor. Pippin was dressed in his  Gondorian wear, standing in front of Denethor and his black throne. Faramir stood of on the side. His head snapped up when the door opened. When he saw me, he motioned to come to him. I sprinted down the hall and stood next to Faramir.

"Faramir, what is happening?" I asked him. 

"Pippin vowed to be in my father's service, correct?" he asked. I nodded.

"Pippin is taking his vows." He told me. I stood and watched. 

"Here I do swear fealty and service to Gondor, in peace or war, in living and dying. From....from this hour henceforth until my lord release me, or death take me." Pippin gave his vows. I was shocked at how in depth they were. Pippin was basically vowing both of our lives here forever!!! Or untile this War took us!!

"Pippin!!" I called out. His head snapped up and saw me. He quickly looked away. I walked over to him. "Pippin, why? What have you done? Cast us both here forever or untl this wretched War takes our lives?!" I asked him.

"I-I-I'm sorry. I just...I'm sorry." He apologized.

"I'm sorry?", I laughed hysterically. "I'm sorry? Sorry won't cut it this time Pip. This is way too big a thing to be sorry for." I told him.

"Lady Took, I do suggest you take your leave." Denethor sneered at me.

"As you wish. And you won't have to bother with me any more. You will not see around these halls again!" I snapped and left, striding down the hall, tears forming in my eyes. It was not deep anger and rage that had made me leave so suddenly. It was the mortal dread and sadness of knowing that I may not see my Pip again. I might leave this world, or just the city without him. What had we gotten ourselves into. I was screwed. We all were. I thought about what brought me to this. I went all the way back to how I ended up in Middle Earth. That was the start of this...this hell. I knew that I was part of this world and culture, so I couldn't leave. Maybe I could retreat to Mirkwood with Legolas.

"Alice, what happened?" Zachariah saw me running out the the Dome house, tears streaking down my face. He came to my aid.

"Nothing...just nothing. There was a slight disagreement in something. Don't mind it." I sighed and cried some more. 

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