The Return of the King (Chapter 35)

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After the defeat at Helm's Deep, all of us decided to move back to the Rohan castle and plan for the next event that would happen after we defeated Sauron's army. All of us were relieved that the war was partially over. Frodo and Sam had not yet discarded the RIng into the firey depths of Mordor. But we all awaited it and planned for it. For Sauron's eye would be fixed upon the great mountain at all times. But that was for later thought. We had other ideas now. AS for what had happened to Isengard during our battle. I had known that the Ents had gone to war, which was extremely rare. But what had they done to Saruman and his own little army? I was going to have to discuss that with Theoden and pray he was still on my side. 

"Theoden! May I have a word?" I called upon him from his table at which he was speaking to other great men about the defeat. I walked over to him. 

"Ah! And gentlemen! This is the Army General I have been talking to you about. Alisson Took." Theoden noticed my prescence and made it known. I put on a smile for the men and waved slightly. Out of the corner of my mouth, I whispered to him, "Theoden, may I have a word? It is news of Isengard." I added in to make sure that I captured his full attention. He had stopped showing me off and stiffened up. 

"One second men. I must attend to some other needs." He said and turned toward me. 

"Come. We must speak privately. This is a large matter at hand." I told him. He whisked me off to a small cavern that was within the walls of the castle. A small concave that had been carved out of the grand stone. A sitting area maybe back in the day when war was not a worry, but now it was a secret message station.

"What do you want and what news of Isengard?" He asked me. 

"Isengard, Theoden? Let's just say that there is no more Isengard." I hinted him. A small smile creased my lips. 

"What do you mean? It has been destroyed? Who has done it? Conquered Saruman and his own army? How did you hear of this?" Theoden bombbarded me with questions. 

"Theoden calm down. Isengard was defeated only days ago. Just when I had arrived to Helms Deep. The Ents...went on a war rage and defeated the place. Now that only stands is the structure of Orthanc itself. There are no known survivors, But I would think that we shoudl travel there to see of there are." I told him. He took in this information with ease, trying not to get ahead of himself. 

"We will ride out tomorrow. For now, let us rest, for war has weakened our minds and bodies. Go. Reunite with your loved ones." He patted me on the back and told me to head off. I nodded, actually glad to spend time with the Fellowship.

It felt quite wonderful to be back in Rohan. Under its thatched roof and comfy living styles. And I was happy that Pip and I had regained our room that had had so many twists and turns that I knew them by heart. It was kind of like a third home for me. The second being the Human World. I knew I could not go back, but I thought about it sometimes. 

I walked down the corridors and halls, no longer etched with a dark and cold feeling, just a relief that the war was over and we had a break before the wave of another one would hit us. I entered the familiar room, expecting to see happy faces, but instead was filled with sadness. Why couldn't something good happen every once and a while. I wanted to think that it was somethign small, but there was a small feeling that it was much grander than I thought. 

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