Chapter 13

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All ten us made our way around the cold and windy moutain, down a hill. It was dangerous and rocky. I wore thick soled leather shoes that held up against these kinds of sharp rocks. I would lean on the cliffside and totally forget about the sharp edges, so I would get tiny abrasions from the rocks. As I carefully ambled down the mountain, I realized the sky was getting dark. It was only 10 in the morning. The sun couldn't have set already.

"This dark sky is giving me the willies." Merry said. He had crept up toward Pippin and I. He looked scared.

"Don't  worry. Everything is fine, right Pippin?" Now I turned to face Pippin. He was nervously looking all over the mountain sides and cliffs. He also looked frightened. Both Merry and Pippin cowered next to me. I had forgotten them to be the youngest in the Fellowship. (Not counting me) They were still not used to the darkness that would come around even during the day. I realized this was their first time out of the Shire on an adventure. As I watched them nervously flinch at any slight sound that was made, I fellt bad for them. They were probably scared out of their wits. "Come here you two." I called them closer towards me. I reached out my arms and had them come close to me. Even if they weren't small anymore, I could still fit them. It was like having male versions of me surronding me. Looks like gum is everlasting. 

"Thanks Alice." Merry looked me in the eye. I looked back. Yep, defintely worry. I looked at Pippin he turned straight ahead. I knew what he was doing, "Pippin, you don't have to be strong for me. I know you're scared. So am I. So is Merry and a bunch of other people here." I gave him examples, hoping that he would take notice and forget about being brave for a second. 

"Really? Oh!" When he figured that out, he came closer to me. I wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"Mhmm..mmghhm" Merry coughed. I smiled and wrapped another arm around Merry.

"Don't worry. We'll be out of here soon." I hoped. Right now all I could do was give them condolences. They accepted them with warm hearts. I also was a tiny bit scared. Never had I seen darkness come upon the day like this. I was iffy about this. I was lucky to have great and close friends like Merry and Pippin.

All of us made it down the whole way safely. Of course, some of us had scrapes and rough cuts, but otherwise, no one was dead. 

"The walls of Moria." Gimli announced in awe. I looked along the left side of me. The giant, rough rocks that had made up the cliff face were now smooth as marble and tree vines climbed up the front. On my right side, a black lake stood still. Nasty branches stuck out of the lake like dead arms. Some kind of wet and stragley weed hung from it. The smell was even worse. Like rotten eggs and rotting bodies. I stopped, I heard something bubbling under that fowl water. 

"Merry, Pip, do you hear that?" I asked. Both of them also stopped. They tucked their hair behind their ears and listened. 

"Nope! I don't hear a thing? Are you sure you aren't just hearing things?" Merry suggested.

"Why would you say that.....ohhhhhh." I realized why Merry didn't believe me and thought I wasn't okay. For the time that i had been here, things had beeni going off with me. I coulnd't see certain things or do things that they could.

"Hey!" Pippin said. He defended me, then looked at me, "Merry's right. I don't hear a thing coming from there." He pointed toward the lake. I sighed and looked out at it. It was at least half a football field large. I heard someone walk over to my side. I turned toward the person walking toward me. Legolas. Huhhhff.

"I can hear it too. Something ghastly lies underneath those waters. You're not a lone." He said mysticaly then left. Creepy. Although if he was me some sort of long lost brother or cousin, that would rock my world. I never thought of Legolas like the cute type or someone I would date. I would rather have him as a close friend or relative. I looked out onto the lake one more time, before I was bumped. I fell over, but stopped myself with my hands. They landed in that nasty muck of water. I looked to see who it was. Sam.

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