Chapter 27

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The veil had lifted off of me. And yet, I could feel life giving way. There was a sense of pleasure in that, but I felt a twinge of guilt. What had driven me to crack? To go insane? I felt a dark presence cover me, yet I felt fine. The last thing I remembered was that I had crushed a glass cup with my hand. And then something happened. What did?

As the veil had left, I saw something that others didn't. I saw the outcome of Middle Earth. There were two sides of the hallucination. Once side was good, the other was bad. The Bad side shined through more harshly then the good side. It was difficult to see the good side. I struggled actually. What was happening in the in the bad side was the Mirkwood had been set alight. At first I thought that it had been the lights, floating above the beautiful Elven city, but it was on fire. Elves ran from their houses and dashed out of the fire. Some elves stayed back to fight with invisible forces. Screams were heard and I could see horrible images. I tried to cover my eyes, but I couldn't, I was immobile. The bad side was reaching out to me, beckoning me with it's dark hands. When I refused, the dark hands reached out farther and farther. I could feel the dark breath of the darkness on my skin, raising goosebumps from my arms. A shrieking could be heard from the terrified elven group. The hands reached out and sought my neck, trying to strangle me, killing my soul. I thought that this was how I died. Death by the dark side. But as my life was about to slip away, I heard an elvish spell, "Vara tel’ Seldarine. Ama poldora. ‘Kshonna, wanya‘Kshonna, wanya!" After the last words were repeated, i felt something being sucked from my soul. The pain was unbearable, but as the evil thing left, I could see the light even better. I saw happiness, and families. I sought out Pip and I in the crowd of people among the Shire. I could tell it was us, because we were the only tall ones there. Beside us were two young kids, also tall. Taller than some of the older hobbits in the Shire. We were happy and in a good place. Peace had once been restored. Now, I didn't want to leave. Maybe I was going to go peacefully. Alas, I could not hear anything, feel anything and sense anyone. So, I settled and accepted my fate. This is what I got after going over the edge. 

"What happened?"

"A entity. Possession. I had to dispel it. Exorcism." 

"I feel entirely guilty for this."

"She had problems. Don't blame yourself. She was psycho."   .....smack and hit.....

"Eomer! Do not speak poorly of this guest. She has second powers and a soul that is powerful enough to hold a dark entity and survive enough."

"Well I would not say survive. By this time she is pass- shh!"  ....quite....

............... "Hello? What is going on? Oh no! What happened. Is she dead? Did she die? What happened? OH dear! Merry, what happened to you!" ....Crying....

"Merry had gotten in a fight and Alice had heard us fighting about the movement to Helms Deep. She broke and and destroyed everything."

"That is why everything is smashed?"


"Well can you tell me why?"  ....sigh.....

"I was thinking that she was....since she...since she is quite different and posses all these qualties that Sauron took his embodiment and slowly leaked it into her body, taking it over. She was strong enough it lasted for days. But she noticed and knew something was up. Finally the two sides of her were giving up an each other and they destroyed each other. Because of this she may not be able to function correctly. At least her mind." 

"How and when did it enter?"

"When she had become ill and was brought into Rohan. She was at her weakest. Saruon was a smart one. He knew that she was stubborn and and strong willed. Tough and enduring. Picked small fights, so he knew that if he took over her body, no one would notice until the last minute. But little did he know that she was strong enough to realize her own will power and change..." 

How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now