Chapter 28

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When I woke up in the morning, I felt well rested and otherwise, happy. But I dare not speak. For I was too afraid of what would happen if I did. I stared up at the ceiling , looking at the decorated bed posts. I turned my head and Pip was asleep beside me.  I felt sorry for him because he had to carry the burden of me acting like this. He was so young and naive. I didn't want him to grow up. 

Usually in the morning, I would be the first to get up and wander around. But I didn't. I stayed in the bed and thought about the trip to Helm's Deep. Outside, I could hear people getting ready and packing up their things. It wasn't much but only what they could carry. I wondered how long the people of Rohan had stayed here? If their children had grown up here. Now they were leaving. It must be hard leaving somewhere you have been so comfortable with, but then leaving because you were forced to. I sighed and hoped that this town would be able to adjust to the new change. I also hoped that they could put up a good fight. Because if we came in contact with the Uruk Hai, I know that there will be more of them. And just the Fellowship alone can't beat them. 

I turned over in the bed so that I was facing Pippin. He had curled up and fallen asleep. His hair was undoubtly messed up. I reached over to fix it, and when I did, the strangest thing happened! When I touch his hair, my body and mind froze. My hand stayed in the air, near his head. And within those seconds, everything that I ever remebered came rushing through me. When I met the Hobbits, got my own home there, meeting Pippin and Merry, the small kids, Frodo and the dance, the Ferry, Ringwraiths, the Ring, The Prancing Pony, the climb of the mountain. Pippin getting stabbed, traveling to Rivendell, seeing something horrible..., finding my whip, fighting with Boromir, the wedding, elvish, leaving Rivendell, Moria, the fight with the cave troll, the baby, Lothlorien, who I was, the battle, Merry and Pip were taken...

All those memories and even more went through my head quickly. I could see the images flash by as if they had sped up in quick motion. The images came all the way up to two nights ago, when and where I had been possesed. Then everything stopped. I watched in floaty images and faded colors and muffled sound as I leaned over Merry and I watched. I watched and saw the dark veil I had felt come over me. It was a grey blanket of mist that only I could see. I watched as my eyes turned dark and my blood ran cold.  It was like a scene playing out...but at times it would go quick and other times the time would slow down. In one particular part, I watched as I slowly crushed the glass with my hand. The glass splinters shattered and entered my skin. I flinched now, but I watched and did not flinch then. I watched on and it sped up. The blood came out and then the view zoomed zig zagged on my face, my blank eyes were open as I fell. A terrifying feeling to receive. I watched the terror unfold. Then the images sped up through the last couple days until now....

"Alice! Alice! What's wrong!' Pippin called my name and I snapped back to reality. He had already sat up and had his arms around me, protecting me. I looked at my hand. I was shaking.  "Alice! What happened? Oh please tell me your not possesed." He whined...I could only feel the pity for him. 

"I remember." I said.

"You remember what?"

"I remember.....the day I first came here to this dam moment in-" I gasped and Pippin snapped his head up. For some reason, I put my hand to my throat. "I...I can talk! I can talk! I can talk again!" I realized.

" How did you?" Pippin looked at me..

"I have no clue. I'm just glad to be back..." I looked at his emerald green eyes and hugged him tightly. 

"Alice...can't breath. Hug too tight." Pippin said lightly.  I didn't want to let go, but I had to. He was still a hobbits and had a small and easily crushable body structure.  I let go. It took a second to realize that I had gained the power back to use my mind as I wish. 

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