Chapter 37

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When Pippin picked up the Palantir, I had a bad feeling about it. There was something in my stomach was was churning with complete and utter fear. That black ball was dangerous. Gandalf seemed to sense that too. He trotted over to Pippin on his horse and asked for it. For a minute, I thought I saw him hesitate, but he did give the ball up and Gandalf took it and hid it in a white cloth, away from sight. I was intruiged of what the Black Ball could hold. What was it? Why did Saruman ask me to ask for it? 

I looked over at the dead, dark wizard. Shivers ran up and down my spine. I wasn't scared anymore, knowing that one of the more powerful figures in this war had died. On the other hand, I was still trying to figure out why Pippin was so intruiged by the Palantir. If that was some dark object that could zap you by looking into it, then that is why Gandalf put it away. I should keep Pippin away from that. 

"Pip! Come on! We have come for what we need. Get on the horse!" I urged him, hoping that he would listen to me and hop on the horse. I watched him. He stood there, frozen for a second and then waded in the water, to me. I helped him back on the horse, but this time, I was in the front and guided the horse. Pippin was in the back. He seemed a bit fazed and foggy in the head. I didn't exactly trust him to be in the front, let alone guide the horse through the water and trees. "Pip, hold on." I told him. He seemed so zoned out that I had to tell him everything. It was getting annoying. 

"Alrighty, let's head off. Back to Rohan. We will have a feast. A celebration for the defeat of Isengard and Helm's Deep." Theoden seemed proud for what he had come upon and learned on the trip here. 

Eomer had pulled up his horse next to mine. He also seemed uneasy. 

"I feel a dark mist over that...that thing." He told me. 

"As do I. There was a reason that thing was the center of our visit. I could feel it in our prescence, even when it as hidden." I told him, but I did stretch the truth. So far, I had defeated death, could communicate to people miles away through sleep and I was so much of a hybrid that I had to live up to who and what I was. There was no way I was going to seem normal. 

"Ah really? What did you feel?" He asked me. I stopped, knowing that I did not really sense it was there. I had to make something up. And quick. 

"I sense a third evil eye amongst us. Something else watching us. It was uneasy." I came up with something. 

"Oh, that Palantir did look like an eye. Maybe you are right, but I do not doubt your skill and wisdom." Eomer told me. I blushed and thanked him.

But the blush wasn't out of happiness. It was out of guilt. I was not that wise. I just had cheated death about a dozen times. It was bound to catch up with me. And when I die, it was going to be the most chaotic and crazy death. It would be told for years....I couldn't doubt that it wasn't going to be painful or slow. Eomer smiled and trotted off. I sighed and rode the horse along. Thankfully Pip was still holding onto me. We rode through the forest again. I was more calm when we rode through it, knowing that nothing would happen while in there. The trees were on our side. Everyone understood that now. I huffed and glanced around. While looking around the place, I began to quietly sing my song. "Home is behind. The world ahead. And there are many paths to tread. Through the edge of night until the stars are all alight--"

"Is that you?" Aragorn had come up on us. 

"Is that me what?" 

"You singing?" 

"Yeah. I made it up myself." I told him proudly. 

"Mhhmm. Well then. Go on." He said and rode ahead. I nodded and began to hum it over again. The song comforted me and the baby. I smiled and bobbed my head. I was glad to have some small relief amongst this craziness. I rubbed my stomach and hummed, holding onto the horse with one hand. I could say i was showing off, but I was just doing what I do. 

How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now