Chapter 21

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Boromir and I headed to the main dining hall, where I had regained my sanity and held my locket that Grima had gotten hold of, closely to my chest. The new dress dragged on the ground, but in an elegant way. I felt like Eowyen...Speaking of her, she was sitting at the table with everyone else. The men from before had left that night. The king took his normal place at the head of the table, Eowyen sat next to him. Grima...well I was glad I couldn't see him. I swore up and down if I got another moment with him, I was going to kill him. 

"Boromir, Allison, so nice of you to join us." Eowyen said politley. I nodded and Boromir bowed. I looked all around the table. No new people had been added. Merry, Pippin and the Rider had not made it yet.

"Eowyen, have you heard anything of the Rider that we sent out to look for Merry and Pippin?" I asked. Maybe she knew.

"No, I have not." She shook her head. I felt my heart plummet. The rest of breakfast, I ate slowly and did not speak a word. I was quite quiet today. I think that because of my encounter with Grima and the pep talk with Boromir, that I had changed and had become reserved. Careful not to do anything that would chang me. Like, say for instance, kill a miserable bastard. Or! Maybe I was actuallu storing all this anger inside and keeping myself calm. All I knew was that I could barely read my own emotions. I could barely get a reading that I was sad. Was this an elf thing. Once I became involved with Middle Earth as much as I had, do I transorm more into what I am, which would be a Hobbit and an elf? 

"May excused for a moment." I asked the table. Boromir jumped and was about to stand up.

"Where are you going?" He asked. Eowyen looked at me.

"Yes, where are you going?" I knew she care about me and woulnd't want me to get hurt.

"May I just go outside and look upon what beauty god has brought me?" I asked. Great!!! Now I was starting to sound cryptic like Legolas. Boromir sighed and Eowyen smiled.

"Yes, I am okay with that." Eowyen granted me permission to leave and go outside. This time, it wasn't a lie. I rose from the table and left the others as they resumed eating the healthy Rohanian breakfast. Most of the stuff was too whole grain for my taste anyway. 

When I reached the doors, they were closed tightly. It took a lot of my strength just to make one budge. Geez, The King does not want people to come easily through castle. I untied the whip from my pants under the dress and and went up to the handle and carefully tied a string bond around it. Then I stood back and pulled with al my might. Everyone stopped eating and watched me try to pry open the door with my brute little womam strength. I heaved and pulled the whipe tightly. I was surprised that it had not broken yet. 

Finally, when I had reached my peak of strength the door creaked and burst open. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and untied the whip. Then I proceeded outside. When I looked out, the ladnscape looked (beg my pardon Rohan) way worse than it had last night. The grass was dry and brown. It could easily cathc fire. People wore black and suttled around. getting from place to place without stopping to do another small thing. Children stayed indoors and mother rushed back and forth from the market and into their houses. The horse stable were empty, except for the horses that were in there. I looked to my side and saw a limp, white flag blowing sideways. I turned ro my other side and where the other flag was supposed to be, it was gone. From far off, in the stables I heard a horse whinny. I perked up and quickly decsended the stairs. I ran across the dry grass, kicking up dusty dirt and other things. I wanted to see why the horses were making so much noise. No one was even in the stables at that time. I picked up my dress and ran even faster, so that I could get to the stables faster. 

Whne I reached the stables, I first peeked inside to make sure that no one was in there. I really wasn't positive if I was supposed to be in the stable of Rohan. The stables line with small troughs and small rooms for each horse to sleep and eat. Each of them looked comfortable in the one size fits all box. When they noticed me, they seemed to take a shining to me. So I entered. Each horse had a certain trait about them that made them stand out. One horse had a star on it's head, another was all black. I searched each row for the horse that stood out to me. I had never, ever been near a horse and wanted a first had experience. Sure I had rideen Bill to Rivendell when Pippin was dying, but, Bill, he was a pony and we let him go. As  I walked among the quiet horses, I came to the last stall. There was a horse with hair that extended down to it;s hooves and had a thick mane. The body color was a dark tan and the tail, mane and leg hair was black. I recognized the type of horse. Gypsy Vanner. I walked up to the horse and looked over it. 

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