Chapter 15

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All of us walked toward the glass bowl. I  myself feared what I would see. Pippin squeezed my hand and Merry gave me a pat on the back. 

"Look in." Galadrield said quitely. One more step....all of us peered in. At first we saw nothing but water sitting in the bowl, but soon the water began to churn. kind of like when I had fallen into....a lake? I shrugged it off. Soon we saw a boat at dock. Four people were gathered there. All huddled around something that was much of importance. The image soomed in and we saw what everyone was huddling around. In a large blanket was a baby. By the color of the blanket. (which was pink) All of us leaned in to see the bundle more carefully. What I wanted to see was thae faces of the people surronding the baby. 

As we watched, we heard voices, 

"Alliosn Undomiel, take your wisdom to the Other World and help them. Do not worry, you sill come back. Your new parents are going to take care of you just fine." I heard the most beautiful voice in the world speak. Although, it did sound familiar. "Alice, that woman just said Allison!" Boromir told me. Everyone shushed him. We wanted to know what would happen next. 

"Don't cry over your daughter, Morlothwen. She will return. Don't cry." A man's voice spoke over the woman sobs.

"DO you think she will find it? The gift I hid?" The woman asked again.

"Yes. I am sure she will. Calm down." The man told the woman in a soothing voice. Then I heard an already familiar voice.

"Then why am I here?" When everyone heard this person speak in the bowl, we turned our heads to Legolas. He shrugged. Everyone resumed watching.

"Legolas, you are here on a peculiar account. We have come to see that you are connected to our dear baby Allison." Who I thought to be Morlowthen spoke again. From outside the bowl, I heard a gasp come around from everyone except me. 

"What is that account?"

"As we were looking through our daughters documents, Morlothwen and I noticed that there was an extended tree. You are her brother. I know that does not come to sense, but I remember having you. We gave you away because we wanted the best for you. As you see our land was being overrun." Then after the man spoke te image zoomed out. Then it sped up to the boat leaving and arrving to the Other World, me growing up in Scotland, then came the day I fell into the lake. Everyone watched in suspense, as I wrote in my diary near the lake side. When I fell there was an echo of, "Ooooh! Ow!" As I fell and landed near the lake. Then it showed me coming to Middle Earth and dropping in the Shire. The images ended. 

Everyone stepped back from the bowl. I was still in shock. 

"So it is true you are the Allison Undomiel. How odd. You look nothing like an elf, yet posses the skills and abilities of one. That would make you half Elf and Half Hobbit." Aragorn was the first to say anything. 

"Yes that is kind of weird. But that's super cool." I commented.

"So, I am your brother? No wonder! I've always wanted a little sister." Legolas grinned and smiled.

"Then I guess I have a big brother." I smiled. 

"Amazing, an Elf/Hobbit person in our group, that's a new one." Merry commented.   

"Well that would just add to our band of misfits!" Gimli grumbled, "I'm getting tired. Where do we sleep tonight!"

"Galadriel was kind enough to give us a tree to sleep under. Very nice of her indeed." Boromir told Gimli.

"Where is it?"

"Come on, I'll show you." Boromir lead our group to a large tree where we would be staying for the night. It was very pretty and cozy, but there was one thing that bugged me; No individual rooms. How am I supposed to fall asleep when I hear Sam talking in his sleep, Aragorn up and about, Boromir talking in his sleep too, and Gimli snoring? There was one thing that made me happy, enough blankets and pillows for us to sleep in.

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