Chapter 18 The Two Towers!

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I stood with Gimli, Aragorn, Legolas and Boromir. we had walked for days on end. With little water and little food to eat. All of us were cranky and tired. the 5 of us had been on the Uruk Hai's tail for days. 

"Stop! I hear something!" Aragorn stopped us and ran up to a rock and laid his head down upon it. 

"What is he doin'?" I slurred. I was sun beaten and tired. Why did we have to stop for Aragorn to listen to a friggin rock!? Boromir shrugged.

"I think he hears the Uruk Hai." Legolas chimed in. When I heard that, I perked up and ran over to Aragorn. He had his eye closed and was listening to the rock, "Their pace quickens. They have caught our scent! Come! We must hurry!" Aragorn leaped up and began bounded across the landscape. He had enegy ever since we left Parth Galen. I sighed and ran after him. My cloack dragging behind me along with my Elven dress, which I had cut the night before so I could run easier. Legolas didn't aprove of it. Well, all of it was making it hard to run and I was hot. What once was beautiful curls was now a matted mess of tangles. I could only hope that we crossed a river so I could drown in it. 

We traveled along the rocky hillsides and each time I looked down, I was afraid that I would fall and die. My fears of heights had not yet diminished yet. Along with the fear of getting murdered. 

"Must we travel so long without rest or food!?" Gimli breathed heavily behind us. He had some trouble keeping up with us.

"Yes, we must so we can keep up with Merry and Pippin with the Uruk Hai!" Aragorn told him. He growled, and I coulnd't help but smirk a litle. Gimli and I had been fighting days before about why we should go or not go. He said that we should just go on our way to Mordor, but I begged to differ. Then, Gimli and I had almost gotten in a fist fight, but Legolas stopped me and silently reminded me that I was carrying a child and I couldn't be rough housing. I had sighed and walked off. 

"What are you smiling at?" Boromir asked.

"Oh just winning a fight with Gimli." I smiled and skipped ahead to walk with my brother. I hadn't talked much to him since we left Parth Galen. "Legolas!" I called out to him. He turned and dropped back from Aragorn's side.

"Yes Alice?" He asked.



"How have you been?"

"Good, I guess. What about you? How is the....?" He whispered.

"Oh, um...good. It's kicked a little while and it hurt but hey! What am I going to do about?" I smiled and became optimistic about the situation.

"That's always good. I cannot wait to have kin of our own soon. You will be coming to Mirkwood, right?" He asked me. I stopped walking. I hadn't thought about that ever since we were in Lothlorien. I loved the Shire and I wanted to go back, but where I was really from was Mirkwood. Legolas would be lonely there by himself. And I wanted him to meet the child. "Legolas, could we visit? Somedays...?" I asked him.

"Maybe, but I know that mother and Fater would be glad to see you all grown up and married." Legolas told me. I had totally forgotten I had a mom and dad.

"What are they like?" I asked him.

"Well, they are kind, but very tough on rules. They love kids but won't spoil them. They are very well rounded. I think that you would like them." He smiled himself, talking about our parents. I couldn't wait to meet them.

As we came near the edge of the cliff, all of us looked down into a small narrow corridor of grass and cliffside. Small boulders stood in the middle. It wasn't very close to the cliff we were on, so we would have to go down the hill to get there. I bounded next to Aragorn.

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