Chapter 29

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"Head out!" Theoden bellowed. The speared, wooden gates creaked open slowly. I could see from afar that the group of people up front had already begun moving. I was filled was relief but also a sense of dread, a knowing that something was going to go wrong. I looked around for Eothain and Pippin. Both of them were still beside me. I calmed. But I couldn't find Merry.

"Pip, Pip...!!! Where is Merry. What about Legolas? Aragorn? Boromir? Gimli? Gandalf?" I freaked out and had a panic attack. My breathing was shallow and I whipped my head all over the place, looking for them. 

"Alice Calm down. They are fine! Probably up front. Look, there's Eowyen. There is a 98% chance that she is with Aragorn or one of the Fellowship." My dear Pip tried to calm me down, but that didn't work. 

"What about the other 2%?!?!?!?! Huh?!" I asked him crazily. He giggled at my reaction. 

"Ali, look at yourself. We are going to be fine!" He tried to speak to me seriously without laughing. I felt a little insulted. I turned away from him and looked forward. The group that we had been in was now moving out of the gates and onto the dry, desert, land. I took one more look back at the grand living quaters we had taken resicdence in. Goodbye.

"Aye! If you are feeling senitmental, stop and go back. Don't stop in the middle of a crowd! You're holding up the line!" A gruff, Scottish voice gave me harsh orders. I turned back and glared at the man who had given me the orders. He was larger and had a gray beard with black beady eyes. I had a feeling that I should keep my loud mouth shut and just keep walking. That is what I did.

I hurried along, back to Pippin and Eothain. Freda was still in my arms. Her head rested on my shoulder. Her eyes stared tiredly at the world around her. I didn't feel like looking at Pippin. I was still slightly angered about the comment he made about me 'freaking out'.  So I stared up. Over us was the speared gates that I had gone through multiple times. But this time, I wasn't going back in. None of us were. Helms Deep was out destination. How long was this Trek going to be? Was there enough food?I thought through all the questions that would be vital in this kind of situation. 

"Pippin, take Freda for a second. I need to go see Aragorn." I said quietly. I then woke Freda up from her daydreaming state and sat her on the ground. She got up. 

"Freda. I have to go do something. Stay with Pippin. Okay?" I asked her. She nodded and Reached for his hand. I smiled and then turned about and went on through the crowd.

I pushed my way, to try to get to the front of the mass od people. 

"Excuse me. Pardon me. Coming through." I tried to be nice while I was making me way up to the front. Everyone seemed very polite. I had a few run ins with people who were stubborn and did not move. I had to go around them. Then I would hear smart remarks as I left. Some people didn't have manners. The rest of the way, I shuffled around where the mass was less and I could manuever easily around the mothers and their crying children. I peeked back to see if I could spot Pippin. I couldn't. 'Dont panic. Don't panic.' I told myself. 'They are probably in the back and are fine.' I tried to breathe and calm my body down. But I knew that something bad was going to happen. It couldn't happen while I was away. 

"Alice, is that you?" Aragorn asked. I could hear a slight amusment in his voice. 

"Yes, it's me! Who else would you expect to come running up to see you just to ask if we had enough food for all these people." I smiled sarcastically. 

"Oh, so that is why you are here." He was down on the ground and was guiding a horse that had a mother and her only child on it.

"Yes. Aragorn. Look at all of these people. Do you have enough food for all of them?"  I asked him, worry filled my head. 

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