Chapter 30

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I slept well after talking to Samwise. I just hoped that they would be okay. Sam looked pretty exahausted and Frodo was just out if it the whole time. I had tried to get his attention, but he was SO out of it he couldn't even hear me. The Ring was starting to become overpowering. That worried me. This War needed to stop. Before this all came to me; The War, The Ring, Pippin, Merry, Sam, Frodo, Middle Earth, The Shire, everyone I had met; I was very selfish and only thought for myself. I did things that would only support and help me. I would be...ooh thinking about my past attitude made me shiver. I was a cruel person. But everything, everyone changed me. I was selfless. People were counting on us. I had a family about to start, A child inside of me, a husband counting on me. Friends in need. It was now time to step up my game even more. 

"Alice...Ali...sweet heart, wake up. The camp is moving. Come on, I want to get Eothain and Freda and head up to the start." Pippin spoke softly to me. When he did, I shot straight up. 

"What did you say?" I told him. There was something in the sentence he said that made me prick up.

"I said that I wanted to get Eothain and Freda and head to the front of the group." He said, looking confused, "Why?"

I had this suddne feeling that Pippin and the kids should not go to the front of the group. 

"No, Pippin. Take the kids and keep in the back. I will head up front. Just stay away from the front." I told him quickly. Then I got up and rushed out of the tent. I looked all around. Some people were already up and getting ready to leave. A small starting group had already formed. 

"alice! Alice!" I heard Eothain and Freda call for me. 

"Hello! How did you two sleep?" I asked them, I crouched on my knees and opened my arms as they came running towards me. When they did crash into me, I embraced them in my arms. 

"It took me a while to fall asleep, but Freda fell asleep instantly." Eothain told me. 

"Well at least you slept well. Hey, today you will be walking with Pippin again. Is that okay?" I asked them. Both of them seemed a little wary, but they listened to me.

"I guessss....but why? We missed you yesterday." Freda asked. 

"Because. When I need to go, it's dangerous and I don't want you guys to get hurt." I told them

"Where are you going and why can't you stay back?" Freda asked me. She really didn't want me to leave.

"I am going up to the front. I have to be there to protect the other people there. I know you don't want me to leave, but it would be bad if other people got hurt." 

"Why would they get hurt? What's up there?" Eothain questioned me. 

"I don't know, but I think that something will happen and I don't want people injured." I couldn't exactly put my finger on what I thought was dangerous, but I knew that there was going to be something. "Just stay with Pip no matter what?" I smiled and looked both of them in the eye. 

"Okay." they said. Then I sent them off to Pip's tent. I, myself went up the small group of where people were standing, getting ready to leave. Aragorn, legolas, Theoden, Eoywen, Boromir, and Gimli were already up there. No Merry. Maybe I should talk to Theoden about my thoughts of the danger to come. 

"Theoden!!!" I called out, my hands cupped around my mouth as I walked towards them. 

"What!???" He called back. I jogged up the small hill to the group.

"Theoden, I need to talk to you!" I told him. When I reached him and his horse, I could see him sigh. 

"What do you need to complain to me about? Everything is fine. The Horses don't have rabies, the tents won't snap off your skin, we have enough food." He ticked off all the things that he thought I was worried about.

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