Chapter 14

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Soon, the darkness hit us. We weren't even at Lothlorien yet. Aragorn had decided to have us set up camp in the forest near Lothlorien. Ever since Gandalf fell to his doom, Aragorn had been in charge. So far, it was going very well. I was happy with it. But there was something else, I wasn't happy with, actually two things. One, Sam would not look at me. We tried as hard as we could to avoid each other. Frodo was also watching us to make sure we didn't start something. Pippin was really tired, so he was beginning to let his guard down. That meant I had to watch him so he didn't wander off. Merry was asleep and Boromir had tied him to Bill the Pony.  The second problem was that we still had three sleeping bags. 
"I'll have one!" I sighed. We needed more. Not that I didn't want to lay with Pip, but that meant that more people would have to fit in a sleeping bag. I prayed not. Aragorn slid a blue bag out of it's space on Bill. Then he tossed it to me.
"Pippin! Over here. Come on." I guided him to the tree we would be sleeping next to and let him sit up against the tree. I unfolded the bag and rolled it out. Once Pippin saw that there was something to sleep in he ambled toward it. I watched him climb in and go to sleep. Then once I was gone, I untied Merry and put him in another sleeping bag. Yes, I knew there were only two, but I didn't care right now. I cared about Merry and Pippin. If you marry one, then you have to befriend the other one. So it was.

Once I was done with tucking Merry and Pippin in, I walked over to the Campfire. Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn and Boromir were all sitting around it. Sam and Frodo had instantly fallen asleep.
"Look who it is? Mrs. Took. How are you?" Boromir said.
"I'm fine. Thankfully." I looked away from him.
"Well, as soon as we get to Lothlorien, we get to see your true identity, are you excited?" Aragorn stopped tending to the fire and looked up at me.
"Ummm I guess so." I shrugged. I would love to say that I really didn't care, but I did. This is why I ended up in Middle Earth.
"It's like I know you." Legolas put in. He stared off. I leaned back to pop my back, but instead got my stomach nausea again. I sucked in and held my stomach.
"Are you okay?" Aragorn was about to get up. I held up my hand.
"I'm fine. I'm fine." I told them.
"Too much food I think." Gimli chuckled.
"yeah, I think so." I couldn't really jump to conclusion if I was pregnant or not.
"I think I'll be turning in. Good night!" Boromir got up and headed into the back of our campsite.
"Same here!" Gimli hopped off the log and also dissapeared into the darkness.
"Legolas, I'm putting you on watch duty." Aragorn also got up and left. Now it was just Legolas and I.
"Something's wrong with you. I can tell." He looked at me.
"Nothing's wrong at all. I'm fine. I don't see why people worry about me when the Ring is corrupting Frodo and Boromir's mind slowly." I stated.
"Maybe that's it. But there is something else. I sense that there is another person here. But I only count 9." He sighed. I could tell that he hated being stumped. Fearing what he knew already, I got up and left.

"Alice...are you there?" I heard a more awake voice from Pipppin in the dark.
"I'm here. I'm coming." I rushed over to him. "Are you okay?" I asked him once i reached the  sleeping bag.
"Yeah, I'm fine, but I didn't know where you were. Where are we?" He asked, then hiccuped.
"Right before the woods of Lothlorien. Scoot over, I'm coming in." I told him as I got into the sleeping bag. We shuffled around, trying to get comfortable, when finally we did.
"So...what do you want to talk about?" Pippin asked.
"I don't know. What do you think about the trip so far?" I asked him.
"It's been scary. I miss the Shire. But there is no going back is there?"
"Nope. Huh....I wish that this trip would be more relaxing and funny. But there is no fun." I sighed. I missed the jokes that Pip and Merry told me.
"Well, I thought that when you volunteered to go up against Gandalf because he called me a fool. That was funny."  Pippin laughed in the darkness.
"I love your laugh. Did I ever tell you that?"
"No. But now I know. Do you still love me?" Pippin asked out of the blue.
"Yes! No matter what. Fool of a Took, kiss me." I told him. And he did. He carressed my hair and spoke nice things to me. I smiled whenever I heard his voice. As I began to fall asleep, I made sure I curled right up with him. The night was cold and I needed to stay warm...

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